12 quotes to inspire you during Women’s History Month

by | Mar 6, 2019

In celebration of Women's History Month, the UMSL Daily team reflects on some of our favorite female-driven stories from the past year.

Whether they are running their own companies, educating the next generation or pursuing their passions, women across the University of Missouri–St. Louis have captivated the UMSL Daily audience with their inspiring stories.

Along the way, they’ve shared tales of success, struggle and perseverance, and woven within those narratives are words of wisdom worth revisiting. In celebration of Women’s History Month, the UMSL Daily staff looks back at some of our favorite female-driven stories and lessons from the past year.


Cillah Hall, BA communication 2003

Cillah Hall

“Now every day when I get up, I’m running. If I’m not solving something, I am creating something or going somewhere. That’s just my daily life of trying to make it as a woman, to be taken seriously. I’ve fought really hard to be taken seriously. I do the work, and I make connections. I look at the mistakes I’ve made, and I take opportunities. It’s very challenging, so it definitely feels like I’m a gazelle being chased by lions all the time.” (Photo courtesy Justin Barr Photography)


Samantha Lurie, MEd 2010

Samantha Lurie

“Once your mind is expanded, it can never go back to those original dimensions. As an educator, that is one of the most rewarding experiences, to be able to watch your students gain a transformational experience.”


Sudenly Bello, 2018 Global UGRAD scholar

Sudenly Bello

“One of the things that I learned here is that if you want to do something you don’t need to be depending on other people. It’s a hard reflection, but if you trust yourself, you can do it – no matter how many obstacles you have in your path. The only limitations you have are the ones that you place on yourself.”


Lisa Clancy, BSW 2008

Lisa Clancy

“The biggest reason I ran was I’m impatient. I really love St. Louis. I’m proud to call St. Louis home, but I think there is still a lot St. Louis can do better to be more collaborative as a region and also to make sure we’re better serving everyone, particularly by being intentional about including the voices of people who have been traditionally shut out of opportunities, access and, even, policy-making. There was a really ripe opportunity for a different voice.”


Kristin Bass, MEd 2014

Kristin Bass

“I can say with 100 percent certainty that I would not be where I am had it not been for God’s grace and a support system that valued not only where I was wanting to go but that was willing to help me put one foot in front of the other. That’s my obligation now.”


Ashley Westbrook, BA political science 2018

Ashley Westbrook

“I know very well that everybody has their obstacles – be it poverty, family issues, health issues. The idea of having some struggle that you face is not unique. Nothing can be done to fix mine. I can be treated. It can be paused, but nothing can be done to fix it. But maybe with a law degree, I can help people, so they can go on and live out their dreams.”


Susan Marino, EdD student

Susan Marino

“We want all kids to have an opportunity to learn at the highest levels. We recognize that in the city those options are very segregated, as is our city. Part of our mission was to provide an excellent education and bring together people from different backgrounds for that education, ensuring that each and every person in the city has access to it. This is a place where kids from all backgrounds learn and grow together and build this understanding, the development of a common humanity. We might be different, but what is it that we actually have in common?”


Annie Mbale, BSBA 2017 and current MBA student

Annie Mbale

“It got to a point where I thought, ‘OK. Whatever. They can beat me up. I am still going to go to school. I’m still going to make it.’ It was a tough ride, but I knew that the only way I could get out of that was to get an education.”


Elizabeth Fuchs, BSW 2012 and MSW 2013

Elizabeth Fuchs

“I was brought up by my mentors. I’m trying really hard to bring up that next generation of warriors. That’s a really important piece that UMSL taught me. We bring each other up with us.”


Lysa Young-Bates, BSBA 2018

Lysa Young-Bates

“Returning as an older student, my life situation is really different. But the experience has been amazing. Doing things that were scary, taking classes that I thought, ‘Oh my gosh, this is going to be really, really hard,’ have been the classes that I felt helped me grow the most. You come out of those realizing that you have so much more inside of you than you may give yourself credit for.”


Alicia Friedrichs, BA Spanish 1997 and BSEd 1997

Alicia Fredrichs

“When you get an education, I think you have a responsibility to help others. Whether they’re a future doctor, psychiatrist, teacher or business person, I hope they help others and follow through on their dreams.”


Susan Feigenbaum, professor emeritus of economics

Susan Feigenbaum

“Women tend to promote, on average, healthy, respectful dialogue, which is truly necessary to push the frontiers of economic knowledge. I firmly believe that there is more ‘we’ and less ‘me’ among women, which leads to productive teamsmanship and the nurturing of each other and the next generation of economists, whether male or female.”

Sara Bell

Sara Bell

Eye on UMSL: Showing off a new coat

UMSL’s newly renamed agile mobile robot dog, Titan, displayed a new look at last Tuesday’s Spring Involvement Jamboree in the Millennium Student Center.