Students have fun, make friends during hot start to fall semester

by | Aug 28, 2023

Campus photographer Derik Holtmann and social media manager Valerie Furlong were out and about throughout the first week of the semester capturing activity around campus.

The University of Missouri–St. Louis was full of activity last week as the new semester opened, and even high temperatures couldn’t dampen the mood of students as they made new friends and got reacquainted with old ones.

Campus photographer Derik Holtmann and social media manager Valerie Furlong were out and about throughout the week capturing the scenes. Here’s a taste of what they saw.


Students stand in front of the north entrance to the Saint Louis Zoo

Some UMSL students spent the day before the semester began exploring St. Louis in excursions organized by New Student Programs. This group visited the Saint Louis Zoo.


Students walking through the Quad on the first day of classes

Last week marked the official start of the new semester as students filed through the Quad in between classes. The academic year began with more than 1,050 new first-time college students, representing more than 20 states.


Students in Express Scripts Hall between classes

Students walked through Express Scripts Hall on their way to class on the first day.


Collage of First Day photos with UMSL students

A number of UMSL students stopped to take First Day of School photos to share on social media on the first day.


New Assistant Teaching Professor Gabriel Attoun welcomes students to an Information Systems Concepts class on the first day of the fall 2023 Semester

New Assistant Teaching Professor Gabriel Attoun welcomed students to an Information Systems Concepts class in Express Scripts Hall.


Students walk on the MSC Bridge between classes

Traffic picked up on the Millennium Student Bridge during the middle of the day last week as students and staff members hustled to The Nosh for lunch.


University of Missouri-St. Louis reference librarian Libby Wheeles gives a tour of Thomas Jefferson Library to new students.

Reference librarian Libby Wheeles led a tour of Thomas Jefferson Library for new students. The library serves as a hub of campus and is filled with resources to help students with all their academic pursuits.



By Friday, students were ready to unwind, and members of the Pierre Laclede Honors College gathered to do just that during their annual Paint-A-Palooza outside the Provincial House.


Students spray each other with powder paint outside the Provincial House

The students ignored the record high temperatures on Friday afternoon as they sprayed each other with powder paint in the shade of the trees on South Campus.


Students hang out in and around the pool outside Oak Hall

On Friday evening, students got a chance to cool off as they gathered for a pool party outside Oak Hall.


Students show off their beach balls at the Oak Hall Pool Party

The University Program Board hosted the party, which featured a DJ, snacks, giveaways, ice cream and fun in the Oak Hall pool.


A students receives a lei at the Oak Hall Pool Party

A students received a lei at the Oak Hall Pool Party.

View more UMSL photos by visiting the UMSL Flickr and Instagram accounts.

Eye on UMSL: Chalk With Us

UMSL’s Honors College partnered with the Office of Student Involvement, State Historical Society of Missouri and others to create the event honoring St. Louis women.