University of Missouri Board of Curators holds annual meeting at UMSL

by | Nov 20, 2023

Campus photographer Derik Holtmann captured scenes from the day, including the presentation of the Remington R. Williams award to biology major Alexander Entwistle.

Members of the University of Missouri Board of Curators gathered for their final quarterly meeting of the year last Thursday in the Millennium Student Center at the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Campus photographer Derik Holtmann was on hand to capture scenes from the day.

Members of the University of Missouri Board of Curators stand with UMSL student Alexander Entwistle after presenting him with the Remington R. Williams Award

Members of the University of Missouri Board of Curators presented UMSL biology student Alexander Entwistle with the Remington R. Williams Award on Thursday morning. The award recognizes outstanding student leaders across the University of Missouri System and is the highest nonacademic award bestowed on students by the board.


Former Curator Darryl Chatman addresses the Board of Curators after a resolution recognizing him for his years of service

Former Curator Darryl Chatman addresses the board after a resolution recognizing him for his years of service to the board. Chatman was a member of the board from April 2017 until last February, and he spent two years at board chair.


UMSL Chancellor Kristin Sobolik holds up a copy of the latest issue of UMSL Magazine while presenting to the board of curators

UMSL Chancellor Kristin Sobolik held up a copy of the latest issue of UMSL Magazine while presenting to the board of curators. Sobolik was calling attention to the issue’s cover story highlighting UMSL’s 60th anniversary.


Provost Steven J. Berberich (center) talks to Curator Robert Fry about Spot, UMSL's agile robot dog, during a break in the board of curators meeting

Provost Steven J. Berberich (center) talks to Curator Robert Fry about Spot, UMSL’s agile robot dog, during a break in the board of curators meeting. The dog  is equipped with multiple sensors to gather data and was purchased as part of UMSL’s investment in geospatial technology.


UMSL computer science major Adam Becker discusses his research with UM System General Counsel Mark Menghini during a break in the board of curators meeting

UMSL computer science major Adam Becker discusses his research with UM System General Counsel Mark Menghini during a break in the board of curators meeting. Becker was one of several students giving poster presentations of their research in the MSC’s third-floor rotunda.


Chair-elect Robin Wenneker presents a plaque to outgoing board chair Michael Williams during Thursday's meeting

Chair-elect Robin Wenneker (left) presents outgoing Chair Michael Williams with a plaque after elections near the conclusion of Thursday’s meeting. Wenneker, from Columbia, Missouri, will serve as the board’s chair in 2024. Todd Graves was unanimously chosen to be vice chair.

Eye on UMSL: Cave exploring

UMSL’s Environmental Adventure Organization participates in a variety of adventures throughout the year including caving, hiking, picnics, ice skating, bonfires and camping.