Author Ryan Heinz
UMSL photo exhibit focuses on Angel Baked Cookies

UMSL photo exhibit focuses on Angel Baked Cookies

Teenagers employed by north St. Louis-based bakery Angel Baked Cookies are both the subjects and photographers for a new University of Missouri–St. Louis exhibit. The set of photos captures the creativity, camaraderie and community permeating the teen collective’s cookie-making process. The exhibit is the latest in the Public Policy Research Center Photography Project series.

Public Policy Administration honors 2 distinguished alumni

Public Policy Administration honors 2 distinguished alumni

Douglas Harms and Elizabeth Kurila took different career paths after each earned an MPPA from the University of Missouri–St. Louis. But they maintained close ties to the Public Policy Administration program at UMSL. Now they have something else in common: they’re the first recipients of the PPA Distinguished Alumni Award.

PPRC Photo Project showcases collection online, seeks participants for Normandy High School exhibit

PPRC Photo Project showcases collection online, seeks participants for Normandy High School exhibit

Since 2004, the Public Policy Research Center Photography Project at the University of Missouri–St. Louis has amassed more than 900 photographs taken by amateur shutterbugs from the St. Louis community. The photos, along with artwork, poetry, autobiographical texts and project descriptions, were displayed at UMSL and within the communities they were taken. Starting this semester, those exhibits are now available to view in another location: online.