UMSL’s full-time literacy team will continue its work to provide professional development and digital literacy tools to educators.

UMSL’s full-time literacy team will continue its work to provide professional development and digital literacy tools to educators.
UMSL’s full-time literacy team will continue its work to provide professional development and digital literacy tools to educators.
UMSL’s full-time literacy team will continue its work to provide professional development and digital literacy tools to educators.
The District 7 competition featured students from 12 local high schools competing in 37 different categories for a spot in the state event.
The team’s work encompasses many areas of research as well as initiatives such as the UMSL Literacy Clinic and the Gateway Writing Project.
The team’s work encompasses many areas of research as well as initiatives such as the UMSL Literacy Clinic and the Gateway Writing Project.
The team’s work encompasses many areas of research as well as initiatives such as the UMSL Literacy Clinic and the Gateway Writing Project.
The event attracted an audience of about 75 educators from across the St. Louis region to the Millennium Student Center.
The event attracted an audience of about 75 educators from across the St. Louis region to the Millennium Student Center.
The event attracted an audience of about 75 educators from across the St. Louis region to the Millennium Student Center.
Writers explored the landscape of the park and the architecture of downtown St. Louis for inspiration and also participated in activities at the entrance plaza.
Writers explored the landscape of the park and the architecture of downtown St. Louis for inspiration and also participated in activities at the entrance plaza.
Writers explored the landscape of the park and the architecture of downtown St. Louis for inspiration and also participated in activities at the entrance plaza.
Melly teaches sophomore and senior English at Ritenour High School. Her experience in the school district as a student compelled her to pursue a career in public education.
The three-week program brought together 11 students from across the St. Louis region to hone their writing and multimedia skills.
Teachers from schools across the St. Louis region gathered to share literacy strategies during last week’s Show Me Literacies Summer Institute.
Susan Jones, Shhdwafi Youssef, Nikole Shurn, Laura Kuensting, Anita Manion, Nancy Singer and Danielle Friz all received awards at virtual event held last Wednesday.
The grant will go toward coaching local educators on culturally relevant practices and the science of reading, as well as creating digital literacy resources.
Shea Kerkhoff, Katie O’Daniels and Nancy Singer will partner with 40 schools in the St. Louis region to provide year-round support to K-12 educators.
A diverse group of high schoolers learned about expression across many forms of media during a three-week course at UMSL at Grand Center.
The brand-new summer institute was one of only 10 programs in the nation to receive a 2017 LRNG Innovators Challenge Grant.
In response to the anticipated need to provide teachers with effective approaches and strategies to teach argument writing, the Gateway Writing Project has developed this program.
A warning bell rings, marking the upcoming third period at Affton High in south St. Louis County. A group of sophomores begin to gather in a cozy classroom. The walls are lined with posters of Edgar Allan Poe, Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman. As the students hurry to their seats, a smiling Cathy Cartier greets each one and hands out a photocopied article from the Associated Press.
When Cathy Cartier was a young girl, she didn’t dream of becoming a teacher. She fantasized about becoming a great writer. And then she landed a job as a social worker right after college. It wasn’t until she began her own family that the teaching bug bit her.
The Youth Writing Festival at the University of Missouri–St. Louis was created in part to inspire a new generation's...