LATEST IN graduation rates

Student success – it’s everyone’s job

It’s a lofty goal. Everyone at the University of Missouri–St. Louis will share responsibility for the educational success of its students. Bolstered by a top-to-bottom initiative led by Chancellor Tom George,  the concerted effort will raise the university’s retention...

Student success – it’s everyone’s job

It’s a lofty goal. Everyone at the University of Missouri–St. Louis will share responsibility for the educational success of its students. Bolstered by a top-to-bottom initiative led by Chancellor Tom George,  the concerted effort will raise the university’s retention...

Student success – it’s everyone’s job

It’s a lofty goal. Everyone at the University of Missouri–St. Louis will share responsibility for the educational success of its students. Bolstered by a top-to-bottom initiative led by Chancellor Tom George,  the concerted effort will raise the university’s retention...

Eye on UMSL: Name that dog

The university kicked off an initiative to help name the Geospatial Collaborative’s agile mobile robotic dog from Boston Dynamics.

Minority graduation rates earn top rankings

The University of Missouri–St. Louis ranks number one among public research institutions for closing its graduation rate gap for minority students. In the same study, UMSL ranks fifth among 25 institutions in its improvement of minority graduation rates. The findings...

Minority graduation rates earn top rankings

The University of Missouri–St. Louis ranks number one among public research institutions for closing its graduation rate gap for minority students. In the same study, UMSL ranks fifth among 25 institutions in its improvement of minority graduation rates. The findings...

Minority graduation rates earn top rankings

The University of Missouri–St. Louis ranks number one among public research institutions for closing its graduation rate gap for minority students. In the same study, UMSL ranks fifth among 25 institutions in its improvement of minority graduation rates. The findings...

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