LATEST IN green chemistry
Student researches ‘green chemistry’
Student researches ‘green chemistry’

Erin Martin, a junior chemistry major at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, was interested in learning about organic chemistry. Her discovery of Eike Bauer and his labs sparked her fascination with “green chemistry.” Martin, a resident of Florissant, Mo., received...

Student researches ‘green chemistry’

Erin Martin, a junior chemistry major at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, was interested in learning about organic chemistry. Her discovery of Eike Bauer and his labs sparked her fascination with “green chemistry.” Martin, a resident of Florissant, Mo., received...

Student researches ‘green chemistry’

Erin Martin, a junior chemistry major at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, was interested in learning about organic chemistry. Her discovery of Eike Bauer and his labs sparked her fascination with “green chemistry.” Martin, a resident of Florissant, Mo., received...

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