LATEST IN J.C. Penney Building
Eye on UMSL: Snow day
Eye on UMSL: Snow day

Photographer August Jennewein captures scenes from around campus Friday as UMSL emerged from two days of winter weather.

Eye on UMSL: Snow day

Photographer August Jennewein captures scenes from around campus Friday as UMSL emerged from two days of winter weather.

Eye on UMSL: Snow day

Photographer August Jennewein captures scenes from around campus Friday as UMSL emerged from two days of winter weather.

MORE IN J.C. Penney Building
Eye on UMSL: Showers & flowers

Eye on UMSL: Showers & flowers

April rain showers, such as the one photographed through the window of UMSL’s J.C. Penney Building, have yielded numerous flowers across campus.

Eye on UMSL: First print

Eye on UMSL: First print

UMSL Print Shop supervisor Jay Frey displays the unit’s first print job at its new location in the lower level of the J.C. Penney Building.