LATEST IN Laura Wiedlocher

New report looks at lessons from Prop A passage

Last year, St. Louis County voters approved Proposition A, a mass transit sales tax increase. And they did so by a surprisingly lopsided margin, given the state of the economy. Prop A’s successful passage is the topic of a new report released by the Public Policy...

New report looks at lessons from Prop A passage

Last year, St. Louis County voters approved Proposition A, a mass transit sales tax increase. And they did so by a surprisingly lopsided margin, given the state of the economy. Prop A’s successful passage is the topic of a new report released by the Public Policy...

New report looks at lessons from Prop A passage

Last year, St. Louis County voters approved Proposition A, a mass transit sales tax increase. And they did so by a surprisingly lopsided margin, given the state of the economy. Prop A’s successful passage is the topic of a new report released by the Public Policy...

UMSL researchers show impact of transit spending on job growth

Transit spending is a path to job growth, according to a new report prepared by the Public Policy Research Center at the University of Missouri–St. Louis for the Transportation Equity Network. The report, "More Transit = More Jobs," was released today (Sept. 2) and...

UMSL researchers show impact of transit spending on job growth

Transit spending is a path to job growth, according to a new report prepared by the Public Policy Research Center at the University of Missouri–St. Louis for the Transportation Equity Network. The report, "More Transit = More Jobs," was released today (Sept. 2) and...

UMSL researchers show impact of transit spending on job growth

Transit spending is a path to job growth, according to a new report prepared by the Public Policy Research Center at the University of Missouri–St. Louis for the Transportation Equity Network. The report, "More Transit = More Jobs," was released today (Sept. 2) and...

MORE IN Laura Wiedlocher