Memmer, who will serve as a student marshal for the College of Arts and Sciences, plans to study early modern European history in graduate school.
Memmer, who will serve as a student marshal for the College of Arts and Sciences, plans to study early modern European history in graduate school.
Memmer, who will serve as a student marshal for the College of Arts and Sciences, plans to study early modern European history in graduate school.
Memmer, who will serve as a student marshal for the College of Arts and Sciences, plans to study early modern European history in graduate school.
UMSL has strong research programs in chemical organic synthesis and advanced pharmaceutical manufacturing methods as well as strong industry partnerships.
Redden landed a full-time position in human resources at Patriot Machine in St. Charles before graduation and recently got engaged.
Redden landed a full-time position in human resources at Patriot Machine in St. Charles before graduation and recently got engaged.
Redden landed a full-time position in human resources at Patriot Machine in St. Charles before graduation and recently got engaged.
If you’ve ever visited Missouri’s capitol in Jefferson City, you’ve most likely encountered the work of artist Thomas Hart Benton. His vivid portrayal of the state’s history is encapsulated in the mural “A Social History of the State of Missouri,” which covers the walls of the House Lounge.
If you’ve ever visited Missouri’s capitol in Jefferson City, you’ve most likely encountered the work of artist Thomas Hart Benton. His vivid portrayal of the state’s history is encapsulated in the mural “A Social History of the State of Missouri,” which covers the walls of the House Lounge.
If you’ve ever visited Missouri’s capitol in Jefferson City, you’ve most likely encountered the work of artist Thomas Hart Benton. His vivid portrayal of the state’s history is encapsulated in the mural “A Social History of the State of Missouri,” which covers the walls of the House Lounge.