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Mindfulness and Inclusion | Long Story Shortz. Mindfulness can be helpful for those of us working in Inclusive schools supporting individuals with diverse abilities. Click here to watch the video. (5:45 min. video)

Mindfulness, Diversity & Social Justice | Rhonda Magee, Soren Gordhamer, Dr. Amishi Jha. Mindfulness is often seen as something only useful or needed among certain populations, but the practice has no real barriers, and all populations can benefit. In this panel, Rhonda and Amishi share their experience offering mindfulness to diverse populations, ranging from those in the justice system to the military, and why social change and social justice are essential ingredients in this effort. Click here to watch the panel. (23-min. video)

Driving Inclusion Through Mindfulness | Bloomberg. The speaker explores how mindfulness, as a practice, helps to foster universal human values. Click here to watch the talk. (13-min. video)

To Build Diversity & Inclusion, Mindfulness Must Come First | Workplace Mindfulness Working For You. We can’t achieve greater diversity and inclusion (D&I) without solving the underlying root problem. Educational seminars, book studies, grievance systems, and other means are not going to work without using mindfulness to address our unconscious biases. Click here to read the blog. (blog)

Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Through Mindfulness | Devin Hughes | ATD. When you speak, are you bringing people together or unintentionally dividing them? Younger generations continue to develop new ways to communicate, but most people still carry forward habits that divide us all. Click here to read the blog article. (blog)

Mindfulness, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion | Midwest Alliance for Mindfulness. This organization’s mission depends upon a sincere commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, advocacy, allyship and activism. Click here to read more. (webpage with additional resources)