Note: UMSL Events contains information about events that will occur in the seven days following publication (Saturday-Friday). It contains information compiled from the UMSL Campus Calendar. No submissions are accepted, and since the calendar is self-populated, University Marketing and Communications is not responsible for the content that appears here or its accuracy. If you would like to receive UMSL Events via e-mail, you can subscribe to UMSL Daily or UMSL Daily Events.

Monthly Drawing for small prize package
Date/Time: April 7, 2012
Location: Go to any University Program Board Event
Audience: Open
Description: Do you like to go to free events? Do you like free stuff? Go to any University Program Board event throughout the semester, fill out a survey, and automatically get entered to win a free Kindle Fire and other small, assorted prizes! The raffle for the Kindle Fire will be held April 18 at the Mirthday Concert. This will be a drawing for one of five smaller prize packages as well. Check your email to see if you won.
For Info: Scott Morrissey at 314-368-4931

‘Feed the Lou’ – Food Drive
Date/Time: April 7, 2012
Location: MSC, SSB, Stadler Hall, Residence Halls
Audience: Open
Description: Hunger is affecting 1 in 8 people in St. Louis. We are a group of four MBA students conducting this Food Drive as part of our class project. Please join us in this effort by donating non-perishable food items, toiletries etc. All items will be donated to the St. Louis Area Food Bank. Bring your items to the orange bins located in the MSC, SSB, Stadler Hall, Oak Hall, Mansion Hill and University Meadows from now until April 16.
For Info: Nels Williams at 314-766-9413

UMSL Dance presents: Sum of Motion
Date/Time: April 7, 2012 8:00 PM
Location: Lee Theater, Touhill Performing Arts Center
Audience: Open
Description: Join the Department of Theatre, Dance and Media Studies for an evening of dance. Students will perform dance pieces choreographed by faculty, guest artist and aspiring student choreographers. All will enjoy this eclectic dance concert set in the Intimate Lee Theater. Tickets are $5 at the Touhill Ticket Office.
For Info: Touhill Ticket Office at 314-516-4949

‘Library of Dreams’
Date/Time: April 9, 2012 12:15 PM to 1:15 PM
Location: 402 JC Penney Conference Center
Audience: Open
Description: Howard Schwartz continues our celebration of National Poetry Month by reading from his book, “Breathing in the Dark,” published earlier this year, and from his newest poems, many of which were inspired by dreams. He is the author of three more books of poems, “Vessels,” “Gathering the Sparks” and “Sleepwalking Beneath the Stars.” Schwartz’s book, “Tree of Souls: The Mythology of Judaism,” won the National Jewish Book Award in 2005.
For Info: Karen Lucas at 314-516-5968

Résumés for Teachers
Date/Time: April 9, 2012 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Location: 278 MSC, Career Services
Audience: Student
Description: Résumés for Teachers, 2-3 p.m. Monday, April 9, 278 MSC, Career Services. Teacher candidates preparing résumés for the internship and student teaching application will learn how to target the document for a career in education. Bring your résumé for a quick résumé review after the workshop.
For Info: Career Services at 314-516-5111

Winning the Procrastination Battle
Date/Time: April 9, 2012 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM
Location: Center for Student Success (Millennium Student Center 225)
Audience: Open
Description: How many times have you become sidetracked from doing an assignment? College students can easily fall into a cycle of procrastination. Understanding why you procrastinate is the key. This workshop will illustrate steps and techniques for avoiding procrastination.
For Info: Antionette Sterling at 314-516-5300

How Does Your Personality Work?
Date/Time: April 9, 2012 5:00 PM to 5:45 PM
Location: Center for Student Success (Millennium Student Center 225)
Audience: Student
Description: Understand yourself and others better by learning how you prefer to focus your attention, take in information, make decisions, and manage your life. Identifying these preferences can help you get the most out of your college experience and out of life in general.
For Info: Antionette Sterling at 314-516-5300

Last Day to Pre-Register – UMSL Teacher Job Fair
Date/Time: April 10, 2012
Location: Mark Twain Building
Audience: Student
Description: This is your opportunity to meet and interview with many school districts in one location. Pre-registration is only available for current UMSL students and UMSL alumni. You must present your admission ticket at the door. Pre-registration deadline is Tuesday, April 10. Click on Job Fairs at to pre-register. Admission for UMSL students/alumni who do not pre-register is $5 at the door and for non-UMSL job seekers is $10 at the door. For more information, visit UMSL Career Services, 278 Millennium Student Center, 314-516-5111.
For Info: Career Services at 314-516-5111

Word Forms and Articles
Date/Time: April 10, 2012 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM
Location: Clark 307
Audience: Open
Description: Learn how to avoid sending a noun to do a verb’s job. Also: when to use “a,” when to use “the,” and when to use neither.
For Info: Denise Mussman at 314-516-5186

Marketing Communications
Date/Time: April 10, 2012 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Location: J.C. Penney Conference Center, Oak Room
Audience: Open
Description: Improve your marketing communications with new and existing customers. Learn the importance of customer relationship marketing and how to create an effective communications program that fits within your budget using these tools: advertising, direct marketing, Internet marketing, sales promotion, public relations, publicity, and personal selling. Plus, learn 5 ways to distinguish your business from the competition and 5 inexpensive ways to promote it. Fee: $95 or $150 for both this workshop and Pricing Products and Services
For Info: Erica Candela at 314-516-5908

Test-Taking Strategies
Date/Time: April 10, 2012 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM
Location: Center for Student Success (Millennium Student Center 225)
Audience: Student
Description: Learn tips about taking certain formats of tests (multiple choice, essay, true/false, etc). Get information to make your test preparation more productive and how to better manage test-taking jitters.
For Info: Antionette Sterling at 314-516-5300

How’s Your Financial Fitness?
Date/Time: April 10, 2012 5:00 PM to 5:45 PM
Location: Center for Student Success (Millennium Student Center 225)
Audience: Student
Description: Are you concerned about having enough money to cover everything? Do you know the impact of student loan payments on your credit scores? Learn how to create a personal budget to help manage your college expenses and prepare for your financial future beyond college.
For Info: Antionette Sterling at 314-516-5300

Business Forum
Date/Time: April 10, 2012 5:30 PM to 6:55 PM
Location: 126 SSB
Audience: Open
Description: Business Forum is sponsored by the College of Business Administration. The speaker is Harlan Steinbaum, former CEO and founder of Express Scripts Inc. His discussion topic is “Tough Calls from the Corner Office.”
For Info: Jane Ferrell at 314-516-5883

Concert: University Percussion, Afro-Cuban Ensemble & Vocal Point
Date/Time: April 10, 2012 7:30 PM
Location: Anheuser-Busch Performance Hall, Touhill PAC
Audience: Open
Description: This is the third annual collaborative event between the University Percussion Ensemble, Afro-Cuban Ensemble and Vocal Point. There will be popular music, ethnic music, classical music and more. It is entertainment for the entire family. The University Percussion and Afro-Cuban Ensembles perform under the direction of Matt Henry, and Vocal Point performs under the direction of Jim Henry.
For Info: Touhill Ticket Office at 314-516-4949

Enterprise Holdings Contact Center Open House
Date/Time: April 11, 2012 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Location: 278 MSC, Career Services
Audience: Open
Description: Enterprise Holdings Contact Center Open House – Wednesday, April 11, 2012 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Career Services Conference Room, 278 MSC. Enterprise Holdings Contact Center is currently looking for eager, self-starters to work in their Contact Center! Opportunities include summer, internship and management trainee positions. Please stop by to learn more about the opportunities. Enterprise Holdings® is the largest car rental company in North America and arguably the world. It is a $14.1 billion company with more than 878,000 vehicles in its rental and leasing fleet, more than 64,000 employees and over 6,900 locations in the U.S., Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom and Ireland. Enterprise is currently ranked in BusinessWeek Magazine as one of the Top Five Best Places to Launch a Career. Enterprise has also been named by CIO Magazine as one of the “100 Companies Most Likely to Succeed in the next Millennium” and “Top College Recruiter” by The Black Collegian Magazine.
For Info: Career Services at 314-516-5111

Margaret Bush Wilson and the Promise of America
Date/Time: April 11, 2012 12:00 PM to 1:15 PM
Location: 427 Social Sciences/Business Building
Audience: Open
Description: The fourth Applied Research Seminar in a series hosted by the Public Policy Research Center and the School of Social Work. Dr. Priscilla Dowden-White, associate professor of history, will discuss her research into aspects of Margaret Bush Wilson’s ideas on the roles of race, culture, economics and gender in the making of American democracy, as viewed primarily through Bush’s personal diaries, correspondence and speeches.
For Info: Rebecca Pastor at 314-516-5277

Mindfulness Meditation
Date/Time: April 11, 2012 12:15 PM to 12:45 PM
Location: Center for Student Success conference room — 225 MSC
Audience: Open
Description: Mindfulness Meditation is a proven—and increasingly popular—method for reducing stress, anxiety, insomnia, and a variety of medical conditions. Incorporating Mindfulness into your schedule can enhance your overall well-being and allow you to live your life more fully. These weekly, guided Mindfulness activities are free and open to beginning as well as experienced meditators.
For Info: Jamie Linsin at 314-516-5711

Creating Online Tests
Date/Time: April 11, 2012 1:00 PM to 2:15 PM
Location: Jack Taylor Lab (TLC) Marillac Hall Suite 100
Audience: UMSL Only
Description: There are two methods for creating online tests, and this session will cover both methods. MyGateway has its own test-generating function within the content areas, and the free test-generating software Respondus allows you to upload a pre-existing exam into MyGateway. Topics to be covered include: creating/selecting test questions in MyGateway, Respondus download and usage, difference between ‘deploying tests’ and setting ‘test options’ and scheduling exams in the Online Testing Center.
For Info: Tom Roedel, Jennifer Simms and Paul Wilmarth at

Succeeding in Online Classes
Date/Time: April 11, 2012 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM
Location: Center for Student Success (Millennium Student Center 225)
Audience: Student
Description: Are you thinking about enrolling in an online course, but not sure about the expectations for this type of instruction? Or, are you already enrolled in one and would like to gain tips on how to succeed? This workshop is intended to give you a comprehensive look at online learning. We hope that it not only answers some questions about online courses but that it also provides “tools” necessary to succeed in this relatively new, and exciting, method of learning.
For Info: Antionette Sterling at 314-516-5300

Coed Indoor Soccer Tournament
Date/Time: April 11, 2012 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Location: Mark Twain Recreation Center
Audience: Open
Description: Call your friends and form a team for Campus Rec’s one-night Coed Soccer Tournament. Games will be played in the Mark Twain Gym beginning at 7 p.m. Coed teams should have 6 players (at least 2 females) per side plus subs. Entries are still being accepted. Call the Rec Office, 314-516-5326, by 4 p.m. Tuesday, April 10.
For Info: Campus Recreation, 203 Mark Twain at 314-516-5326

Piano Studio Recital
Date/Time: April 11, 2012 7:30 PM
Location: Lee Theater, Touhill Performing Arts Center
Audience: Open
Description: The University Piano Studio presents a wonderful evening of piano music. Join us to enjoy this marvelous event. The University Piano Studio features the students of Alla Voskoboynikova, director of Keyboard Studies at UMSL.
For Info: Touhill Ticket Office at 314-516-4949

Rock Gym 101 Deadline
Date/Time: April 12, 2012 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Location: Upper Limits Rock Gym, 326 South 21st St.
Audience: Open
Description: Experience climbing at Upper Limits Rock Gym in St. Louis. Campus Rec is sponsoring these classes today to give students a great opportunity to learn to rock climb. There are two class times, 10 a.m. or 12 noon. Program includes rental gear, two hours of instruction, and unlimited same-day climbing after the class. Cost is $10 (refundable deposit). Sorry, no transportation is provided, but MetroLink can get you there. You must register in advance by Tuesday, April 10, at the Campus Rec Office, 203 Mark Twain, 314-516-5326. For more information and directions to Upper Limits, visit:
For Info: Campus Recreation, 203 Mark Twain at 314-516-5326

China and the Global Future of Universities
Date/Time: April 12, 2012 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Location: 331 Social Sciences & Business Building
Audience: Open
Description: European universities defined excellence in the 19th century. American universities were the most highly ranked by the end of the 20th century. What are the prospects for Chinese leadership in higher education in the 21st century? How may the rapid growth–in quality as well as quantity–of Chinese universities affect the global educational landscape? What do new trends in “liberal” and “general” education mean for the education of the next generation of Chinese leaders? William C. Kirby is the T.M. Chang Professor of China Studies at Harvard University and Spangler Family Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School.
For Info: Bob Ell at 314-516-7299

Study Skills That Make a Difference
Date/Time: April 12, 2012 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM
Location: Center for Student Success (Millennium Student Center 225)
Audience: Student
Description: Find out about effective techniques for note-taking, goal setting for studying, concentration, reading a textbook, and basic test preparation.
For Info: Antionette Sterling at 314-516-5300

Cheerleading Tryouts Information Session
Date/Time: April 12, 2012 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Location: Mark Twain Building – Room 221
Audience: Student
Description: Wanted: Guys and Girls. UMSL 2012-13 Cheerleading Squad Tryouts. Earn a Scholarship, make new friends, become a champion!
For Info: Coach Sandra Ray at 314-516-5661

Cheikh Lô
Date/Time: April 12, 2012 7:30 PM
Location: Lee Theater, Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center
Audience: Open
Description: Cheikh Lô is one of the great mavericks of African music. A superb singer and songwriter, as well as a distinctive guitarist, percussionist and drummer, Cheikh Lô has been influenced by the music of West and Central Africa and created a style uniquely his own. His signature blend of semi-acoustic flavors – West and Central African, Cuban, flamenco – renders a focused and diverse statement of musical and cultural experience. Experience this performance in the Lee Theater cabaret setup. Purchase a table for four ($92), three ($69) or two ($46). General admission tickets are $18 each. Doors open at 6:40 p.m. for the E3! program. The performance starts at 7:30.
For Info: Bob Ell at 314-516-7299

UMSL Teacher Job Fair
Date/Time: April 13, 2012 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Location: Mark Twain Building
Audience: Open
Description: This is your opportunity to meet and interview with many school districts in one location! Pre-registration is only available for current UMSL students and UMSL alumni. You must present your admission ticket at the door. Pre-registration deadline is Tuesday, April 10. Admission for UMSL students/alumni who do not pre-register is $5 at the door and for non-UMSL job seekers is $10 at the door. For more information, visit UMSL Career Services, 278 Millennium Student Center, 314-516-5111.
For Info: Career Services at 314-516-5111

St. Louis Humanities Festival: Shelton Johnson
Date/Time: April 13, 2012 10:00 AM to 11:30 PM
Location: MSC Century Rooms
Audience: Open
Description: The 2012 St. Louis Humanities Festival opens at UMSL with Shelton Johnson discussing “Gloryland: Literature and Interpretive History as Tools for Social Change.” Johnson, featured in Ken Burns’ documentary, “The National Parks,” reads from his novel about African American U.S. Calvary men in Yosemite National Park, where he is an Interpretive Ranger. UMSL’s Center for the Humanities is partnering with Washington U., Webster U., SIU-E, Missouri Humanities Council, and Cinema St. Louis on the St. Louis Humanities Festival.
For Info: Karen Lucas at 314-516-5698

Volleyball Tournament Deadline
Date/Time: April 13, 2012 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Location: Campus Rec Office – 203 Mark Twain Recreation Center
Audience: Open
Description: Call your friends for some fun volleyball action! TODAY is the last day to sign up for Campus Recreation’s Volleyball Tournament (Men’s & Women’s Divisions). The one-night tourney is scheduled for 7-9 p.m. Monday, April 16, in the Mark Twain Gym. Team and individual entries are welcome. *Register by 3 p.m. today at the Rec Office, 203 MT, 314-516-5326.
For Info: Campus Recreation, 203 Mark Twain at 314-516-5326

IC Short Course – Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Basics
Date/Time: April 13, 2012 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Location: SSB 102
Audience: UMSL Only
Description: This course is designed to teach you the basic beginning steps of Microsoft 2010 PowerPoint. Learn how to use this application for giving presentations or develop slide shows that may be required for classes, your job or for fun. Topics include: inserting images, what a RIBBON is and how are they used, how to use clip art, how to design a presentation, custom animation, special effects, ideas for better presentation skills, how to print your slides, etc.
For Info: Dale/Instructional Computing Staff at

College of Business Administration Research Seminar Series
Date/Time: April 13, 2012 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Location: 401 SSB
Audience: Open
Description: Anne Winkler and William Rogers, Department of Economics, University of Missouri–St. Louis, will discuss “Foreclosures, Housing Prices, Labor Market Conditions and Household Formation, 2005-2010.”
For Info: Dr. Dinesh Mirchandani at 314-516-7354

IC Short Course – Microsoft Word 2010 Basics
Date/Time: April 13, 2012 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Location: SSB 102
Audience: UMSL Only
Description: This course is designed to teach you the basic beginning steps of MS 2010 Word. Learn how to use this application for typing papers and more that may be required for classes, your job or for fun. Topics include: how to save from older versions, what a RIBBON is and how it is used, inserting images, how to change font size and type, inserting tables for formatting purposes, inserting Headers and Footers, page numbers, etc.
For Info: Dale/Instructional Computing Staff at

iPad Teaching Circle: Discussion and Communication
Date/Time: April 13, 2012 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Location: CTL Conference Room, 589 Lucas Hall – North Campus
Audience: Faculty
Description: “iPad Teaching Circle: Discussion and Communication, Applications on the iPad.” Faculty who have (or will receive) an iPad are welcome to join this group of faculty innovators exploring the use of mobile devices (specifically the iPad) to support teaching at UMSL. This meeting will focus on applications to facilitate online discussions and communications with students.
For Info: Peggy Cohen at 314-516-4508

Starting a Small Business: The First Steps
Date/Time: April 13, 2012 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Location: J.C. Penney Conference Center, Oak Room
Audience: Open
Description: If you are thinking of starting a small business, this course will provide you with an overview of the critical first steps. You will assess your strengths and weaknesses, learn about the importance of planning, discuss legal and regulatory requirements, and identify sources of funding. Following this workshop, it is recommended that you register for “The Basics of Writing a Business Plan.”
For Info: Erica Candela at 314-516-5908

iPad Teaching Circle: Discussion and Communication
Date/Time: April 13, 2012 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Location: Monsanto Science Lab, TLC, 100 Marillac Hall – South Campus
Audience: Faculty
Description: “iPad Teaching Circle: Discussion and Communication, Applications on the iPad.” Faculty who have (or will receive) an iPad are welcome to join this group of faculty innovators exploring the use of mobile devices (specifically the iPad) to support teaching at UMSL. This meeting will focus on applications to facilitate online discussions and communications with students.
For Info: Peggy Cohen at 314-516-4508

Physics & Astronomy Colloquium
Date/Time: April 13, 2012 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Location: 328 Benton Hall
Audience: Open
Description: “Biophysics of amyloid β-protein folding and assembly: Relevance to Alzheimer’s disease,” Brigita Urbanc, Department of Physics, Drexel University.
For Info: Alice Canavan at 314-516-5933

Muny 4U – Arts@Play Interactive Learning for Young Audiences
Date/Time: April 13, 2012 7:00 PM
Location: Lee Theater, Touhill Performing Arts Center
Audience: Open
Description: Muny 4U is an hour-long theatrical experience, designed by The Muny with the middle-school audience in mind. Interactive and lively, the show will involve the audience in different aspects of musical theater, and demonstrate that they know more about the genre than they might realize. Pulling from different sources, Muny 4U will highlight the integration of musical theater into popular culture. The grand finale will involve the whole audience in an impromptu flash-mob-style production. Tickets only $5!
For Info: Touhill Ticket Office at 314-516-4949

Aspen Santa Fe Ballet
Date/Time: April 13, 2012 8:00 PM
Location: Anheuser-Busch Performance Hall, Touhill PAC
Audience: Open
Description: “Fleet, feisty and fun” (Denver Post) – Aspen Santa Fe Ballet boasts top-flight dancers in an electric and engaging repertory. The vibrant troupe performs works by veteran and up-and-coming European and American choreographers like Twyla Tharp, Dwight Rhoden, Paul Taylor, Trey McIntyre and dozens more. With dual citizenship in two chic and lively cities, this Western wonder combines rugged athleticism with liquid grace in frisky programs that fuel its skyrocketing national reputation. Presented by Dance St. Louis and Novus International Inc. Tickets start at $10 with UMSL student ID (limited quantities available).
For Info: Touhill Ticket Office at 314-516-4949
