Note: UMSL Events contains information about events that will occur in the seven days following publication (Saturday-Friday). It contains information compiled from the UMSL Campus Calendar. No submissions are accepted, and since the calendar is self-populated, University Marketing and Communications is not responsible for the content that appears here or its accuracy. If you would like to receive UMSL Events via e-mail, you can subscribe to UMSL Daily or UMSL Daily Events.

Union Leadership and Administration
Date/Time: September 8, 2012 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Location: 62 JCP
Audience: Open
Description: This course will focus on the roles and challenges of union leadership in a changing environment. Topics will include the union leader’s roles as representative, organizer and educator, as well as administrative responsibilities within the union and the relationship with enterprise management in both adversarial and participatory situations. Options for leadership style and organizational models will be discussed and explored in both theory and practice. Leaders will develop their skills of motivation, speaking, strategic planning, and managing complex campaigns and diverse organizations.
For Info: Jennifer Clemente at 314-516-5994

Tennis Tournament
Date/Time: September 8, 2012 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Location: Mark Twain Rec Center (Tennis Courts)
Audience: Open
Description: Tennis, anyone? Campus Recreation is holding a tournament for all skill levels. Divisions include men’s and women’s singles (advanced, intermediate and beginner). The tourney is open to students, faculty and staff. Entries are still being accepted.
For Info: Campus Recreation Office, 203 MT at 314-516-5326

Nine Keys to Effective Business Writing
Date/Time: September 8, 2012 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Location: 403 J. C. Penney Conference Center
Audience: Open
Description: Business writing has changed dramatically over the past 20 years or so due to the advances in technology and the changing roles of secretaries. “Nine Keys to Effective Business Writing” will explain the basics of business writing, including which grammar and punctuation rules you must follow and which are now considered “personal preference,” as well as give you techniques for getting started when you’re having trouble putting “fingers to keyboard.” Fee: $65.
For Info: Mary Gough at 314-516-5974

Panhellenic Recruitment Orientation
Date/Time: September 9, 2012 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Location: SGA Chambers & MSC 3rd Floor Rotunda
Audience: Open
Description: Interested in joining a sorority? Come learn more about more about Panhellenic recruitment process and our member sororities: Alpha Xi Delta, Delta Zeta, and Zeta Tau Alpha. Registration for Panhellenic recruitment will be open at this event. If you still need to register, please bring four photos of yourself, your high school or college transcripts and the $25 registration fee. More details available on our website:
For Info: Kelly Forsythe at 314-516-5291

Wellness Classes sponsored by Campus Recreation
Date/Time: September 10, 2012
Location: Mark Twain Recreation Center
Audience: Open
Description: Get healthy! Get happy! Join Campus Rec’s Fall Wellness Programs. Aerobics and Spinning classes are offered throughout the semester. Certified fitness instructors teach classes such as Spinning, Body Challenge, Step & Tone, Yoga, Water Exercise Training and more. To register, sign up in the Campus Rec Office, 203 MT, 314-516-5326.
For Info: Campus Recreation Office, 203 MT at 314-516-5326

Germany’s Cowboy and Indian Culture
Date/Time: September 10, 2012 12:15 PM to 1:15 PM
Location: 402 J. C. Penney Conference Center
Audience: Open
Description: Paula Hanssen, coordinator of German Studies at Webster University, explores Germany’s Cowboy and Indian culture. German author Karl May’s most popular novel, “Winnetou,” is about an Apache chief in what is now West Texas, and friend of the brave German immigrant to the west, “Old Shatterhand.” Both characters are archetypical figures engaged in an eternal struggle for human dignity. May’s novels formed the typical German youth’s view of the American West and Native American culture, with sometimes less than accurate portrayals, reflecting Germany’s interest in America’s wide-open spaces west of the Mississippi. We view clips of films based on the novels and the annual Karl May festival, as well as the former East Germany’s answer to what became a West German cultural icon.
For Info: Karen Lucas at 314-516-5698

Pizza Meet & Greet with Delta Sigma Pi
Date/Time: September 10, 2012 1:45 PM to 5:45 PM
Location: SSB 218
Audience: Open
Description: It’s recruiting season for Delta Sigma Pi. DSP is America’s foremost professional fraternity for men and women pursuing careers in business. Join us for free pizza and refreshments. Come see if we are the group for you at UMSL.
For Info: Stacy Bueneman at 314-761-9951

It’s about Time (Management)!
Date/Time: September 10, 2012 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM
Location: Center for Student Success – 225 Millennium Student Center
Audience: Student
Description: Learn how to improve grades, improve your quality of life and divide time between work and recreation. This workshop will help you examine how you spend your time and how you might be able to become more efficient in your role as a student.
For Info: Antionette Sterling at 516-7994

Panhellenic Recruitment
Date/Time: September 10, 2012 4:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Location: MSC Century Rooms
Audience: Open
Description: Interested in joining a sorority? Come learn more about more about Panhellenic recruitment process and our member sororities: Alpha Xi Delta, Delta Zeta, and Zeta Tau Alpha. Registration for Panhellenic recruitment will be open at this event. If you still need to register please bring four photos of yourself, your high school or college transcripts, and the $25 registration fee. More details available on our website:
For Info: Kelly Forsythe at 314-516-5291

The Major Challenge: Choosing a Major
Date/Time: September 10, 2012 5:00 PM to 5:45 PM
Location: Center for Student Success – 225 Millennium Student Center
Audience: Student
Description: Have you ever questioned your major choice or wondered if you will find a major that’s right for you? In this workshop, we will debunk common myths such as “There is only one right major for me,” or “A major is the same as a career.” You will learn how to identify majors and career paths that are a good fit for your personality, interests, strengths and values. Students may follow-up with individual assistance.
For Info: Antionette Sterling at 314-516-7994

Last Day to Pre-register for Fall Internship & Job Fair
Date/Time: September 11, 2012
Location: on-line
Audience: Student
Description: Today is the last day to pre-register for the Fall Internship & Job Fair. Click on Job Fairs at
For Info: Career Services at 314-516-5111

Dr. Edwin Fedder Annual Lecture
Date/Time: September 11, 2012 7:30 AM
Location: SGA Chamber
Audience: Open
Description: Dr. Edwin Fedder Annual Lecture in Foreign and International Affairs, “International Law, the War on Terror, and New Modes of Conflict: What Rules Apply?” Robert P. Barnidge, lecturer on international law, School of Law, University of Reading, United Kingdom. A reception will begin at 7 p.m., with the lecture starting at 7:30.
For Info: Bob Ell at 314-516-7299

Freshman Academic Success Workshops, Part 1: Time Management
Date/Time: September 11, 2012 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Location: SGA Chambers – 3rd Floor MSC
Audience: Open
Description: Multicultural Relations, Freshman Academic Success Workshops, Part 1: Time management. Learn to design a weekly study schedule.
For Info: Office of Multicultural Relations at 314-516-6807

Delta Sigma Pi Presents Daniel Andrews
Date/Time: September 11, 2012 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Location: MSC 316
Audience: Open
Description: Entrepreneur Daniel Andrews earned over $100,000 within 18 months of starting his business. Come find out how he did it. Light refreshments will be provided.
For Info: Stacy Bueneman at 314-761-9951

University Assembly/Faculty Senate Meeting
Date/Time: September 11, 2012 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Location: 202 J.C. Penney
Audience: Open
Description: This meeting is reflective of the long-standing commitment to shared governance at UMSL.
For Info: Loy Harvey at 314-516-6769

Panhellenic Recruitment – Last day to register
Date/Time: September 11, 2012 4:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Location: MSC Century Rooms
Audience: Open
Description: Interested in joining a sorority? Come learn more about more about the Panhellenic recruitment process and our member sororities: Alpha Xi Delta, Delta Zeta, and Zeta Tau Alpha. Registration for Panhellenic recruitment will be open at this event. If you still need to register, please bring four photos of yourself, your high school or college transcripts, and the $25 registration fee. More details available on our website:
For Info: Kelly Forsythe at 314-516-5291

How’s Your Financial Fitness?
Date/Time: September 11, 2012 5:00 PM to 5:45 PM
Location: Center for Student Success – 225 Millennium Student Center
Audience: Student
Description: Are you concerned about having enough money to cover everything? Do you know the impact of student loan payments on your credit scores? Learn how to create a personal budget to help manage your college expenses and prepare for your financial future beyond college.
For Info: Antionette Sterling at 314-516-7994

Introduction to Fiction Writing
Date/Time: September 11, 2012 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Location: 204 J. C. Penney Conference Center
Audience: Open
Description: This class covers the writing process, character development, plot, story structure, setting, dialogue and point of view. Students will have ample opportunity to brainstorm, write and revise. Fee: $299.
For Info: Mary Gough at 314-516-5974

Who am I and Where am I going with my life?
Date/Time: September 12, 2012 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Location: MSC 314
Audience: Open
Description: Making connections is vital for career success, but the first connection that must be made is with you. Learn more about your personality, interests and values, and how these three aspects fit together to make your career identity. Knowing your career identity is the first step in ultimate career planning.
For Info: Office of Multicultural Relations at 314-516-6807

Ferguson Lunch Trolley
Date/Time: September 12, 2012 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM
Location: Three Pickup Locations on Campus
Audience: Open
Description: The Ferguson Lunch Trolley provides free round-trip shuttle service to Ferguson Citywalk restaurants for lunch on Wednesdays. The trolley will make four continuous loops between 11:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Sandwich board signs will be placed at trolley pickup sites. Campus pickup locations: Woods Hall (west side), MSC (east side), and Marillac Hall (main entrance). Ferguson restaurants: Celebrity Southern Soul Food; Corner Coffee House; El Palenque; Faraci Pizza; Ferguson Brewing Co.; Imo’s Pizza; KFC; Little Caesar’s Pizza; Marley’s Bar & Grill; Mimi’s Subway Bar & Grill; New Chinese Gourmet; Popeye’s Chicken; Queen’s Chinese Restaurant; Quizno’s; The Red Apple; Subway; Vincenzo’s Italian Ristorante; The Whistle Stop.
For Info: Mary Haux at 314-332-5546

Research Seminar: They Permit Our School Funds to be Robbed
Date/Time: September 12, 2012 12:00 PM to 1:15 PM
Location: 427 Social Sciences/Business Building
Audience: Open
Description: They Permit Our School Funds to be Robbed: St. Louis Home Rule Movement and the Disintegration of Regional Government, presented by Hiroki Sampei, professor of history at Kumamoto University in Japan and faculty fellow at the Public Policy Research Center. The seminar will explore what the 1870s push for home rule reveals about local American government and how it reflects challenges currently faced by the Japanese government.
For Info: Rebecca Pastor at 314-516-5273

Mindfulness Meditation
Date/Time: September 12, 2012 12:15 PM to 12:45 PM
Location: Center for Student Success conference room– 225 MSC
Audience: Open
Description: Mindfulness Meditation is a proven—and increasingly popular—method for reducing stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and a variety of medical conditions. Incorporating Mindfulness into your schedule can enhance your overall well-being and allow you to live your life more fully. These weekly, guided Mindfulness activities are free and open to beginning as well as experienced meditators.
For Info: Jamie Linsin at 314-516-5711

John Steele Gordon, Business Historian, Author
Date/Time: September 12, 2012 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Location: 331 SSB (McDonnell Conference Room)
Audience: Faculty/Staff/Students
Description: John Steele Gordon is a renowned author and business historian, a frequent contributor to the Wall Street Journal and a commentator on National Public Radio’s “Marketplace.” He has appeared on numerous radio and television shows, including “Business Center” and “Squawk Box” on CNBC and “The News Hour with Jim Lehrer” on PBS. He has been published in Forbes, the New York Times, the Washington Post’s Book World and Outlook. He wrote “An Empire of Wealth: The Epic History of American Economic Power”; “Hamilton’s Blessing: The Extraordinary Life and Times of Our National Debt”; “The Great Game: The Emergence of Wall Street as a World Power, 1653-2000”; and “The Business of America,” a collection of his columns from American Heritage magazine. Presented by the Department of Economics and the F.A. Hayek Professorship in Economic History.
For Info: Judy Cates at 314-516-5353

Getting the Most from Note-Taking
Date/Time: September 12, 2012 2:30 PM to 3:15 PM
Location: Center for Student Success – 225 Millennium Student Center
Audience: Student
Description: Learn how to format and organize your notes to be the most beneficial for you.
For Info: Antionette Sterling at 314-516-7994

Commuter Break
Date/Time: September 12, 2012 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Location: Marillac Hall
Audience: Faculty/Staff/Students
Description: Good on the go!!
For Info: Shatera Davis or other UPB member at 314-516-5531

Bowling with Delta Sigma Pi
Date/Time: September 12, 2012 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Location: North Oaks Bowl
Audience: Open
Description: It’s recruiting season for Delta Sigma Pi! DSP is America’s foremost professional fraternity for men and women pursuing careers in business. Join us for free bowling and see if we are the group for you at UMSL.
For Info: Stacy Bueneman at 314-761-9951

Coed Softball Deadline
Date/Time: September 13, 2012
Location: Mark Twain Recreation Center
Audience: Faculty/Staff/Students
Description: Today is the entry deadline for Campus Rec’s Coed Softball 3-week league (Wednesday afternoons beginning Sept. 19). Team and individual entries are accepted. Online registration is required by today. Sign-up following the instructions found at
For Info: Campus Recreation Office, 203MT at 314-516-5326

Freshman Academic Success Workshops, Part 2: How to study effectively
Date/Time: September 13, 2012 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Location: MSC 313
Audience: Open
Description: Multicultural Relations, Freshman Academic Success Workshops: Part Two: How to study effectively (best ways/times to study for each class).
For Info: Office of Multicultural Relations at 314-516-6807

‘A Riot About Representation’
Date/Time: September 13, 2012 12:30 PM to 1:45 PM
Location: 331 Social Sciences & Business Building
Audience: Open
Description: Irish Studies, “A Riot About Representation: The Women of Easter 1916 and the Plough and the Stars Riots of 1926,” Mary Trotter, associate professor of theatre and drama, University of Wisconsin-Madison. The lecture will be in 331 SSB from 12:30 to 1:45 p.m.
For Info: Bob Ell at 314-516-7299

CoursEval Template Creation
Date/Time: September 13, 2012 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Location: 65 JCP
Audience: UMSL Only
Description: This course will give you an overview of the system and teach you how to add questions to the question bank. Using those created questions, you will create a template to be used each semester when it is time to administer your end of semester evaluations. Department administrators that are using CoursEval for on-line course evaluations in Fall 2012 are required to have this training before using the system.
For Info: Laura Hofer at

Test-taking Strategies: This is a test … this is only a test
Date/Time: September 13, 2012 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM
Location: Center for Student Success – 225 Millennium Student Center
Audience: Student
Description: Are you ready for exams? Learn tips about taking certain formats of tests (multiple choice, essay, true/false, etc). Get information to make your test preparation more productive and how to better manage test-taking jitters.
For Info: Antionette Sterling at 314-516-7994

Phi Mu Alpha Volleyball
Date/Time: September 13, 2012 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Location: Volleyball Court outside of Oak Hall
Audience: Student
Description: Come join the men of Phi Mu Alpha for a night of Volleyball. We will be meeting at the villa building, but quickly transitioning to the volleyball court. We’ll play as long as we can.
For Info: Brett Lindsay at 636-578-5085

Multiple Sclerosis Fundraiser at Buffalo Wild Wings
Date/Time: September 13, 2012 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Location: Buffalo Wild Wings – Creve Coeur
Audience: Open
Description: Join Delta Sigma Pi at Buffalo Wild Wings to raise money for the Multiple Sclerosis Society. One hundred percent of the proceeds will go to MSS.
For Info: Stacy Bueneman at 314-761-9951

ISS Short Course – Adobe Photoshop Basics Session 1
Date/Time: September 14, 2012 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Location: SSB 102
Audience: UMSL Only
Description: This course is designed to teach you the basic beginning steps of Adobe Photoshop. Learn how to use this application for image editing and more that may be required for classes, your job or for your own website purposes. Topics include: opening an image, merging images, adding text to an image, copyright responsibilities, personalize your photographs, improving the colors of an image, etc.
For Info: Robert & Shailesh/Instructional Support Services Staff at

UMSL Fall Internship & Job Fair
Date/Time: September 14, 2012 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Location: Mark Twain
Audience: Open
Description: This is your opportunity to meet and discuss internship and employment opportunities with employer representatives in one location. Pre-registration is only available for current UMSL students and UMSL alumni; you must present your admission ticket at the door. Pre-registration deadline is Tuesday, Sept. 11. Admission is $5 at the door for UMSL students and alumni who do not pre-register and $10 for non-UMSL job seekers. For more information, visit UMSL Career Services, 278 Millennium Student Center, 314-516-5111. Click on Job Fairs at to pre-register and to see a list of employers attending.
For Info: Career Services at 314-516-5111

ISS Short Course – Adobe Photoshop Basics Session 2
Date/Time: September 14, 2012 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Location: SSB 102
Audience: UMSL Only
Description: This course is designed to teach you the basic beginning steps of Adobe Photoshop. Learn how to use this application for image editing and more that may be required for classes, your job or for your own website purposes. Topics include: Liquefying an image: or modifying an image to have a different profile. Transforming an image on top of a background, blending of that image on to the background, tools to change the colors of an image to the colors of the background, and using various drawing tools such as the paintbrush and pencil to draw by hand onto different layers.
For Info: Robert & Shailesh/Instructional Support Services Staff at

MADCO: ‘Outburst’
Date/Time: September 14, 2012 8:00 PM
Location: Lee Theater, Touhill Performing Arts Center
Audience: Open
Description: If you’ve seen MADCO perform even once, you know the company’s dancers for their athletic prowess, technical skill and physical talents. In “Outburst,” we get into their creative heads. The entire Outburst program will consist of very personal pieces, created by MADCO dancers Monica Alunday, Vance Baldwin, Jason Flodder, Lindsay Hawkins, Claire Hilleren and Jennifer Reilly in partnership with lighting designer Kim Klearman, costume designer Felia Davenport and set designer Glen Anderson. Under Stacy West’s artistic direction, these individual pieces come together as an entertaining, synchronous collection, just like the company itself. Discount student faculty and staff tickets are available, but quantities are limited.
For Info: Touhill Ticket Office at 314-516-4949
