Events at UMSL

Note: UMSL Events contains information about events that will occur in the seven days following publication (Friday-Thursday). It contains information compiled from the UMSL Campus Calendar. No submissions are accepted, and since the calendar is self-populated, University Marketing and Communications is not responsible for the content that appears here or its accuracy. If you would like to receive UMSL Events via e-mail, you can subscribe to UMSL Daily or UMSL Daily Events.

Richard D. Schwartz Observatory Open House
Date/Time: June 15, 2013 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM
Location: Richard D. Schwartz Observatory
Audience: Open
Description: View Saturn, the Hercules star cluster, Albireo, the Ring Nebula and other celestial objects through a 16″ telescope, weather permitting. For up-to-date information, including cancellations due to weather, call the Skywatch Hotline at 314-516-5706.
For Info: Erika Gibb at 314-516-4145

History of Missouri
Date/Time: June 16, 2013 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Location: St. Louis Mercantile Library
Audience: Open
Description: The Mercantile Library at UMSL will host a docent-led tour, focusing on a specific aspect of St. Louis or Missouri history. Weekend tours provide an opportunity for discussions on topics ranging from the founding of St. Louis, to the Mercantile’s art collections. 314-516-7248
For Info: Valenda Curtis at 314-516-7248

Successful Grant Writing
Date/Time: June 17, 2013 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Location: J.C. Penney Building/Conference Center
Audience: Open

Description: Grant writing is both an art and science and is ever evolving. Hear informative perspectives and the latest practical examples that will give you an edge in writing proposals and obtaining funding. Learn tools and techniques to make your grants more successful in the increasingly competitive private sector market. Hands-on activities provide real-world takeaways that you can use now. From research to thanking the donor, this comprehensive session is good for beginners and seasoned grant writers. Lunch included. Fee: $99
For Info: Dan Sise at 516-6378

2013 Fundraising Institute
Date/Time: June 17, 2013 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Location: J.C. Penney Building/Conference Center
Audience: Open
Description: Attend 4 days of fundraising and development related classes as part of this year’s 2013 Fundraising Institute offered by the Nonprofit Management & Leadership Program. For more info, see:
For Info: Dan Sise at 516-6378

25Live Working Session
Date/Time: June 17, 2013 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Location: 65 J.C. Penney Building/Conference Center
Audience: Faculty/Staff
Description: 25Live is the online system for making special requests for classrooms. This is a drop-in working session. Use this time to schedule your events and get your questions answered. Before attending the session please review the quick start guide at
For Info: Mary Brown at 6016

25Live Working Session
Date/Time: June 18, 2013 9:00 AM to 10:30 PM
Location: 65 J.C. Penney Building/Conference Center
Audience: Faculty/Staff
Description: 25Live is the online system for making special requests for classrooms. This is a drop-in working session. Use this time to schedule your events and get your questions answered. Before attending the session please review the quick start guide at
For Info: Mary Brown at 6016

Finding the Right Grant for Your Organization
Date/Time: June 18, 2013 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Location: J.C. Penney Building/Conference Center
Audience: Open
Description: Finding appropriate grant opportunities is the first step to successful fundraising. Learn the most effective techniques and resources to uncover the right funding opportunities. Lunch included. Fee: $99
For Info: Dan Sise at 314-516-6378

Weight Watchers at Work
Date/Time: June 18, 2013 11:30 AM to 12:30 AM
Location: 225 MSC, Conference Room
Audience: Open

Description: Come join Weight Watchers at Work on-campus any Tuesday. A group of faculty and staff meet with a Weight Watchers facilitator on a weekly basis. To initiate the process, follow these instructions: Go to Enter Company ID: 46814 Enter Company Passcode: WW46814 Register as a new member GENERAL INFORMATION: Meeting Times are Tuesdays 11:30am-12:30pm in 225 MSC $39.95/month Includes free access to E-Tools, an on-line resource to help with your success Questions or interest in the program? Contact Teresa Balestreri (ext. 5002;
For Info: Teresa Balestreri at 314-516-5002

Customer Services (All Employees)
Date/Time: June 18, 2013 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Location: Arts Administration Building, HR Training Center (Room 222)
Audience: Faculty/Staff
Description: Monthly classroom training sessions are offered to staff on a first-come-first-serve basis. Participants can sign up and find a schedule of courses through myLearn. To enroll in this course, view the catalog and select UMSL Instructor Led Training. Select desired course. For other training opportunities, please visit:
For Info: Tara VanDeVoorde at 5258

Ethical Dilemmas and Decision-Making for Nonprofit
Date/Time: June 19, 2013 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Location: J.C. Penney Building/Conference Center
Audience: Open
Description: Highly-effective leaders within the nonprofit sector realize that the public trust is earned through transparency, prudent decisions and just actions, and with greater public trust comes better opportunities to cultivate financial support for your organization. This interactive course will challenge participants to consider and debate ethical issues using case studies in order to develop ethical accountability and leadership. Come learn how a commitment to ethical fundraising for your enterprise can lead to not only better fundraising outcomes, but also better management of your organization. Fee: $49
For Info: Dan Sise at 314-516-6378

Mindfulness Meditation
Date/Time: June 19, 2013 12:15 PM to 12:45 PM
Location: Center for Student Success conference room– 225 MSC
Audience: Open
Description: Mindfulness Meditation is a proven—and increasingly popular—method for reducing stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and a variety of medical conditions. Incorporating Mindfulness into your schedule can enhance your overall well-being and allow you to live your life more fully. These weekly guided Mindfulness activities are free and open to beginning as well as experienced meditators.
For Info: Jamie Linsin at 516-5711

Mindfulness Meditation
Date/Time: June 19, 2013 12:15 PM to 12:45 PM
Location: Center for Student Success conference room– 225 MSC
Audience: Open
Description: Mindfulness Meditation is a proven—and increasingly popular—method for reducing stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and a variety of medical conditions. Incorporating Mindfulness into your schedule can enhance your overall well-being and allow you to live your life more fully. These weekly guided Mindfulness activities are free and open to beginning as well as experienced meditators.
For Info: Jamie Linsin at 516-5711

Resume Writing Workshop
Date/Time: June 19, 2013 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Location: 278 MSC, Career Services
Audience: Student
Description: Your resume is an important job-hunting tool; its purpose is market yourself to potential employers. Learn how to write a job specific resume. Please register for this workshop at
For Info: Career Services at 314-516-5111

Developing and Marketing a Planned Giving for Nonprofit
Date/Time: June 19, 2013 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Location: J.C. Penney Building/Conference Center
Audience: Open
Description: Learn the basics of a solid planned giving program for any size organization. This class will also cover more sophisticated marketing and development techniques that will help your planned giving activities and efforts to be successful. Fee: $49
For Info: Dan Sise at 314-516-6378

Fiscal Responsibilities
Date/Time: June 19, 2013 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Location: 402 J.C. Penney Building/Conference Center
Audience: UMSL Only
Description: This session will be beneficial for those who handle various fiscal-related roles. The objectives include: – Review of basic accounting concepts – Discussion of common fiscal responsibilities, related policies, and systems throughout the fiscal year – Discussion of activities and responsibilities during fiscal year end closing.
For Info: Ericka Kranitz at
(573) 882-3039

Development Do’s and Don’ts – the View From Tax-Funded Board
Date/Time: June 20, 2013 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Location: J.C. Penney Building/Conference Center
Audience: Open
Description: Don’t miss this opportunity to learn directly from tax-funded boards, commissions, and districts in our area about what makes for an effective request, how funders like these set priorities, and what makes them look favorably on an agency and its programs. Even if you aren’t looking for funding from one of these agencies, come learn about the perspectives and practices that matter across every kind of tax-funded board, commission, or district. Fee: $35
For Info: Dan Sise at 314-516-6578

Planning and Managing Successful Special Events
Date/Time: June 20, 2013 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Location: J.C. Penney Building/Conference Center
Audience: Open
Description: Events pose unique challenges, but they can also yield significant rewards, including opportunities to raise both friends and funds. Learn the basics of planning, managing and sustaining successful special events. This class will cover third party to major fundraising events, and how to start new events and expand existing events. Participants will develop an annual event plan with a timeline, budget, and how to achieve the revenue goal. The class will also help you to establish your event team of staff, chairs, committees, and volunteers, and how to get them to work well together. Events are challenging – but we need them!
For Info: Dan Sise at 314-516-637
