The Office of the Provost has awarded awarding supplemental research funding through the CARES Act to 79 faculty members whose research and creative work has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. (Photo by August Jennewein)
Many University of Missouri–St. Louis researchers have dealt with significant disruptions to their work over the past year because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Office of the Provost, working in collaboration with the Office of Research and Economic & Community Development and the Women’s Faculty Network, has taken steps to help by awarding supplemental research funding to 79 faculty members whose research and creative work has been impacted.
The awards – up to $1,500 for each faculty member and totaling nearly $115,000 – are supported by funding from the CARES Act.
“Excellence in Research and Creative Works is one of the compacts of our strategic plan, and we are grateful to be able to support the efforts of our outstanding faculty during a challenging time,” Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Marie Mora said.
Faculty members were invited to apply for supplemental funds by March 26. Cynthia Dupureur, a professor of chemistry and biochemistry and the faculty fellow for faculty success, oversaw the program. The program stemmed from a discussion earlier in the spring Dupureur had with Women’s Faculty Network members on how the pandemic had disrupted their research.
“This program is such an impactful way to support the faculty during this difficult time,” Dupureur said. “It not only provides financial assistance, but it also boosts morale. I was pleased that we were able to do it and grateful to all those who helped make it happen.”
The university originally intended to give out 50 awards.
“We had such an overwhelming response with excellent applications that we went to the chancellor and the CFO asking for additional funds so that we could support all of the requests that were recommended by the reviewing committee,” Mora said.
Chancellor Kristin Sobolik and Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration and CFO Tanika Busch agreed.
Awards were granted to faculty members across campus, including in the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Business Administration, the College of Education, the College of Nursing, the School of Social Work and the Pierre Laclede Honors College.
Faculty members are using their awards to support graduate research assistants; purchase data and other research-related materials, including software; cover fees for virtual conferences and other professional development opportunities; or to conduct research between May 15, 2021, and June 30, 2021.