Author Maureen Zegel
Thai university honors UMSL chancellor

Thai university honors UMSL chancellor

As chancellor of the University of Missouri–St. Louis, Tom George awards honorary degrees to notable individuals each year. Last week he was on the receiving end of an honorary doctorate in education for local development from Phranakohn Rajabhat University in Bangkok, Thailand. The honor was presented for UMSL’s commitment to community engagement and extensive civic partnerships under George’s leadership.

Library tales of ghosts, termites, a swim at lunch

Library tales of ghosts, termites, a swim at lunch

Celebrating the life of an institution involves the work of the many individuals who helped create it. Librarians at the University of Missouri–St. Louis played a critical role in its development over the last 50 years. As part of the ongoing celebration of the UMSL Jubilee, the library staff created a video filled with vintage photographs and memories – of ghosts, termites and much mo