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Shutter stop: New perspectives

Shutter stop: New perspectives

As international students take in a sculpture at the Saint Louis Art Museum, the moment captured takes on greater symbolic meaning.

Eye on UMSL: Semester countdown

Eye on UMSL: Semester countdown

It’s Day 2 of group-presentation time in John Palmer’s Strategic Management course located in Anheuser-Busch Hall.

Eye on UMSL: Next spring’s flowers

Eye on UMSL: Next spring’s flowers

Groundskeeper Gregory Ward and engineering student Jesse Kaiser plant a Kwanzan cherry tree, one of 18 spring-flowering trees making their debut on campus.

Eye on UMSL: Colorful view

Eye on UMSL: Colorful view

Students admire the fall colors as they peer out the windows of the Executive Education Room at Anheuser-Busch Hall on a bright November day.