Over the summer, the political science major interned in U.S. Rep. Ann Wagner’s office and explored D.C. with several UMSL alumni.

Over the summer, the political science major interned in U.S. Rep. Ann Wagner’s office and explored D.C. with several UMSL alumni.
Over the summer, the political science major interned in U.S. Rep. Ann Wagner’s office and explored D.C. with several UMSL alumni.
Over the summer, the political science major interned in U.S. Rep. Ann Wagner’s office and explored D.C. with several UMSL alumni.
Members of the Bellerive staff and UTV, UMSL’s student-run television channel, produced a short documentary about the Honors College publication.
The chemistry alumnus is the senior vice president of science and innovation at WestRock Corporation, where he’s developing sustainable paper packaging.
The chemistry alumnus is the senior vice president of science and innovation at WestRock Corporation, where he’s developing sustainable paper packaging.
The chemistry alumnus is the senior vice president of science and innovation at WestRock Corporation, where he’s developing sustainable paper packaging.
The institute, funded by an investment from Enterprise Holdings Executive Chairman Andrew C. Taylor, will support collaborative research and training across the region.
The institute, funded by an investment from Enterprise Holdings Executive Chairman Andrew C. Taylor, will support collaborative research and training across the region.
The institute, funded by an investment from Enterprise Holdings Executive Chairman Andrew C. Taylor, will support collaborative research and training across the region.
The 12-hour program begins with an in-person seminar June 6-10 at the St. Louis Fed’s downtown office and continues online throughout the academic year.
The 12-hour program begins with an in-person seminar June 6-10 at the St. Louis Fed’s downtown office and continues online throughout the academic year.
The 12-hour program begins with an in-person seminar June 6-10 at the St. Louis Fed’s downtown office and continues online throughout the academic year.
NGA Director Vice Admiral Robert D. Sharp and UMSL Chancellor Kristin Sobolik signed an Educational Partnership Agreement on Wednesday.
Kersten has worked as a resident advisor, interned with Children’s Advocacy Services of Greater St. Louis and held leadership positions with Psi Chi.
Forty-two faculty members completed the rigorous, 25-module program and learned evidence-based strategies to help students stay engaged and learn in online courses.
Students can begin enrolling in the interdisciplinary program with emphasis areas in biology, computer science, economics, mathematics, social science and supply chain analytics.
The center is helping facilitate connections with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and geographic information system-related companies in St. Louis.
Werner is looking to develop partnerships and connect UMSL researchers with the NGA and other geographic information system-related companies in St. Louis.
Robert Ubbelohde, a retired 32-year-veteran of NGA, is the founding director of the new center, which will operate out of the Geospatial Innovation Center at T-REX.
Chancellor Kristin Sobolik, UM System President Mun Choi and UMSL’s deans were among those offering their congratulations in video messages to the graduates.
Mora has proven to be a strong support for faculty members while working tirelessly to ensure UMSL is meeting the needs of its students since her arrival last year.
The seniors and Assistant Teaching Professor Scott Gericke worked quickly to build a website to showcase their capstone presentations.
Haris Lalacos made an official visit Oct. 30 to meet with Michael Cosmopoulos, the Hellenic Government-Karakas Family Foundation Endowed Professor of Greek Studies.
Public- and private-sector institutions from across the region are joining forces with a goal of making St. Louis a national hub for geospatial technology.
Applications for admission open June 24 for the new bachelor and master of science in cybersecurity programs.
Missouri First Lady Teresa Parson presented Associate Professor of English Suellynn Duffey with the award at a luncheon in Jefferson City on April 4.
The 64 newly elected members of the Missouri House of Representatives and Missouri State Senate toured the UMSL Patient Care Center, science complex and Anheuser-Busch Hall.
Adelaide Aboagye, Ian Bae, Vasyl Onufriyev and Andrew McCormick received the $2,500 scholarships.
About 300 St. Louis-area high school students attended the event created by the Department of Language and Cultural Studies to encourage cross-cultural empathy and language studies.
The Eugene J. Meehan Scholarship awards $3,000 each to students in the College of Arts and Sciences. The 25 recipients in the 2018-19 academic year were recognized last Wednesday.
Kersten spoke to UMSL Daily about the challenges and opportunities he sees at UMSL at what he hopes will be an inflection point in the university’s history.
UMSL introduced more than 20 new full-time faculty members to the university community during a two-day new faculty orientation organized by the Center for Teaching and Learning.
Kersten has been dean of the College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Idaho and will assume his new role Aug. 1.