UMSL launches MBA animated campaign

UMSL launches MBA animated campaign

University Marketing and Communications wrote and developed the spots, which highlight the four main strengths of UMSL’s Professional MBA: schedule, value, quality (accredited) and networking.

Eye on UMSL: Professional experience

Eye on UMSL: Professional experience

Chris Emerson, UMSL Professional MBA student, shares his past IT experience with his cohort in their Information Systems Management class.

Eye on UMSL: What A Fan

Eye on UMSL: What A Fan

St. Louis Cardinals superfan and UMSL mail carrier Tom “The Hat Man” Lange shows his What A Fan Award ring to students Femi John (center) and Johnny Mueller.

Eye on UMSL: The kiss

Eye on UMSL: The kiss

Louie offers a surprise “kiss” (of the foil-wrapped chocolate variety) to alumna Haley Brightwell, BSBA 2014, as she works in the Graduate Business Programs office.

Graduate student returns to basketball as guard on UMSL Tritons

Graduate student returns to basketball as guard on UMSL Tritons

Femi John works as a part-time nurse and is pursuing his MBA at the University of Missouri–St. Louis. He’s also in the mist of a revival of his basketball career. The former McCluer North High School (Florissant, Mo.) standout and Saint Louis University recruit is now a guard on the UMSL Tritons after battling injuries for several years.

UMSL, STLCOP sign course exchange agreement

UMSL, STLCOP sign course exchange agreement

A new course exchange agreement signed last week by the University of Missouri–St. Louis and St. Louis College of Pharmacy will give students from both campuses an opportunity to take courses at either.