LATEST IN Robert Northcott

UMSL philosopher receives NSF grant

Robert Northcott, assistant professor of philosophy at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, has received a one-year, $49,330 research grant from the National Science Foundation's Science, Technology and Society Program for his project, "Causation and Evolution."...

UMSL philosopher receives NSF grant

Robert Northcott, assistant professor of philosophy at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, has received a one-year, $49,330 research grant from the National Science Foundation's Science, Technology and Society Program for his project, "Causation and Evolution."...

UMSL philosopher receives NSF grant

Robert Northcott, assistant professor of philosophy at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, has received a one-year, $49,330 research grant from the National Science Foundation's Science, Technology and Society Program for his project, "Causation and Evolution."...

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