Shirley Porterfield, Uma Segal and Patricia Rosenthal contributed significantly to the school’s growth from a program in the College of Arts and Sciences to a freestanding academic unit.
Shirley Porterfield, Uma Segal and Patricia Rosenthal contributed significantly to the school’s growth from a program in the College of Arts and Sciences to a freestanding academic unit.
Shirley Porterfield, Uma Segal and Patricia Rosenthal contributed significantly to the school’s growth from a program in the College of Arts and Sciences to a freestanding academic unit.
Shirley Porterfield, Uma Segal and Patricia Rosenthal contributed significantly to the school’s growth from a program in the College of Arts and Sciences to a freestanding academic unit.
Based in Clearwater, Florida, the company is known for its playful illustrations, from ocean animals to rainbows, florals and holiday imagery.
More than 70 undergraduates presented their original, mentored investigations and creative inquiries during Friday’s event.
More than 70 undergraduates presented their original, mentored investigations and creative inquiries during Friday’s event.
More than 70 undergraduates presented their original, mentored investigations and creative inquiries during Friday’s event.
Zahn is in her 13th year at UMSL and serves as the director of community outreach and engagement and legislative liaison while supporting the Des Lee Collaborative Vision.
Zahn is in her 13th year at UMSL and serves as the director of community outreach and engagement and legislative liaison while supporting the Des Lee Collaborative Vision.
Zahn is in her 13th year at UMSL and serves as the director of community outreach and engagement and legislative liaison while supporting the Des Lee Collaborative Vision.
Young was among 82 students nationally named to the ALL IN Student Voting Honor Roll and recently started a fellowship with the ACLU.
Young was among 82 students nationally named to the ALL IN Student Voting Honor Roll and recently started a fellowship with the ACLU.
Young was among 82 students nationally named to the ALL IN Student Voting Honor Roll and recently started a fellowship with the ACLU.
In her new role, Babb will help usher in the new cohort of Fellows who will begin leadership development training in the program in August.
Grace Morrow, Sophie Loban and Ngoc Nguyen made brochures, banners and a video for Spanish Lake and University City for the community engagement course.
Michael Gearhart is in the midst of researching the effectiveness of community efforts to address the challenges faced by the city’s residents in the wake of the Michael Brown shooting.
Education and creative writing alumna Inda Schaenen, a Normandy teacher, organized the discussion as the two groups talked past stereotypes to heal divides.