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Eye on UMSL: Admiration

Eye on UMSL: Admiration

Attendees of the World Ecology Gala at the Saint Louis Zoo admire original works by Robert Bateman, UMSL’s 2015 World Ecology Award recipient.

Eye on UMSL: Book lovers

Eye on UMSL: Book lovers

Young readers Caroline and London show off summer selections from the newly installed Little Free Library on UMSL’s South Campus.

MIMH website gets facelift

MIMH website gets facelift

“The revitalized website was strategically designed from the ground up to highlight the extraordinary work conducted … at MIMH,” says Rob Paul, director of the institute.

Eye on UMSL: Family

Eye on UMSL: Family

Chris Roccia and 2-year-old Jackson greet Miriam Roccia with roses during the UMSL Trailblazers reception.

UMSL Newman Center turns 50

UMSL Newman Center turns 50

The center remains a place of social gathering, where service and faith and sharing experiences build a warm community for students, alumni, faculty and staff.

Center scores with financial football

Center scores with financial football

Students from Oakville High School (south St. Louis County) geared up Dec. 2 at UMSL to battle against their Kansas City counterparts.

Eye on UMSL: Ice cream

Eye on UMSL: Ice cream

University Child Development Center classmates Colin McGuire (left) and Gannon Crangle (right) top off their ice cream desserts with help from their respective grandmothers while Radley Bergfeld awaits his turn.