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UMSL historian surveys St. Louis’ guiding spirit

In St. Louis’ nearly 250 years of existence, the Gateway City and the surrounding region has experienced many science and technology milestones. Those advances have shaped a port city into one of the United States’ most powerful manufacturing hubs and home to the “Biobelt.”

UMSL historian to give Field Notes keynote on St. Louis’ science history

UMSL historian to give Field Notes keynote on St. Louis’ science history

As St. Louis approaches its 250th birthday, historian Kevin Fernlund will speak on its dynamic and fascinating science history. The professor of history at the University of Missouri–St. Louis will give the keynote lecture, “St. Louis: Gateway to Infinity,” for Field Notes, a celebration of science and art in Grand Center. The free lecture will begin at 10:30 a.m. Oct. 19 in the St. Louis Public Radio auditorium in UMSL at Grand Center, 3651 Olive St. in St. Louis.

UMSL student proves learning is a lifelong endeavor

UMSL student proves learning is a lifelong endeavor

University City, Mo., resident Martin Bergmann (pictured) was by no means new to academia when he came to the University of Missouri–St. Louis in 2001. A career physician, Bergmann earned his BS and MD from Washington University in St. Louis, graduating in 1945. After a stint in the Air Force, Bergmann held a variety of positions in St. Louis-area hospitals culminating in his serving as a senior surgeon of cardiothoracic surgery at Barnes-Jewish Hospital from 1969 to 1998. A little bit older than the typical UMSL student, he will be 91 this May.