Johnson serves as a project manager and also helps manage the FLITE Program, in which she once served as an intern.

Johnson serves as a project manager and also helps manage the FLITE Program, in which she once served as an intern.
Johnson serves as a project manager and also helps manage the FLITE Program, in which she once served as an intern.
Johnson serves as a project manager and also helps manage the FLITE Program, in which she once served as an intern.
Johnson serves as a project manager and also helps manage the FLITE Program, in which she once served as an intern.
The center will provide resources to UMSL students in all colleges and academic disciplines, including scholarships and funding opportunities.
The center will provide resources to UMSL students in all colleges and academic disciplines, including scholarships and funding opportunities.
The center will provide resources to UMSL students in all colleges and academic disciplines, including scholarships and funding opportunities.
Students and parents, assisted by volunteers, carried their boxed-up belongings and dorm decorations into the residence hall ahead of the new academic year.
Students and parents, assisted by volunteers, carried their boxed-up belongings and dorm decorations into the residence hall ahead of the new academic year.
Students and parents, assisted by volunteers, carried their boxed-up belongings and dorm decorations into the residence hall ahead of the new academic year.
Walker has been working in West Africa, instructing farmers and those who train farmers how to use technology to run farms more efficiently.
Walker has been working in West Africa, instructing farmers and those who train farmers how to use technology to run farms more efficiently.
Walker has been working in West Africa, instructing farmers and those who train farmers how to use technology to run farms more efficiently.
The 2015 graduate received a DAISY Award for her efforts on behalf of one of her patients at Mercy Hospital.
By constantly working to consider history from multiple perspectives, Rob Good hopes his students develop their own sense of purpose and citizenship.
For his senior capstone project, the UMSL graphic design student has been working with the young artists on the poster series “Audio Chroma: The Power of Music and Design.”
Lena Marvin has launched the university’s Institutional Repository Library, nicknamed IRL. It’s set to become a digital showcase of research by UMSL scholars.
The student veteran served two tours in Iraq and struggled to adapt after returning home, so he’s using his experience to help others.
Thanks to an investment in UMSL by Civic Progress, aspiring principal Michelle Cooley is getting the chance to walk a mile in an administrator’s shoes.
The associate teaching professor has been expanding the percussive possibilities at his alma mater – and throughout the broader community – for over a decade now.
Marie Carol Kenney and Jessie Eikmann are each on track for back-to-back UMSL degrees after finishing their undergraduate studies earlier this year.
Following an exhibition of her work on Jeju Island, UMSL’s Jennifer McKnight traveled to Tokyo, where she gave a lecture on visual metaphor at Temple University.
Jenny Connelly-Bowen spent her summer working as an intern at Rise Community Development and Northside Community Housing.
An active volunteer and teacher in the St. Louis community, Tom Hill plans to hike the Pacific Crest Trail after finishing his long-awaited bachelor’s degree at UMSL this fall.
The 2015 economics graduate has continued her role in the Missouri Army National Guard amid a loaded schedule.
Liz de Laperouse, who spent some of her youth in what is now Zimbabwe, brings a worldly perspective to conservation and her new Harris Center role.
It took Joe Wilson 20 years to get his PhD in chemistry from UMSL due to a big tech detour, but his journey is paying off as a professor.
The professor of English tells a tale of generations, hard-earned wisdom and the tricky intersections of past and present in “Swimming on Hwy N,” her second novel.
Bermuda Elementary kindergarten teacher Kimberly Berry was honored by The St. Louis American Foundation for her outstanding efforts in the Ferguson-Florissant School District.
Meagan and Maureen Mohan believe that the UMSL College of Nursing is their best bet for future career preparation, and they’re happy to rely on each other as they start their college journey.
Heather Penrod and Sally Nguyen are two of the more than 100 students among this fall’s freshman class who participated in the UMSL Advanced Credit Program.
She’s among six doctoral students nationwide – two from UMSL – conducting research as part of the Bureau of Justice Statistics Graduate Research Fellowship Program.
The alumnus is deputy chief of staff in the city’s Office of the Treasurer and has launched a mentoring program for college-bound high school students.
New students Gabrielle Murphy and Christopher Ernst come to UMSL after gaining research experience in the precollegiate STARS program more than a year ago.
The distinguished alumnus and local school superintendent presented “Transformational Leadership in Times of Transition” at UMSL on Aug. 31.
Meagan Burwell spent the summer researching the feasibility of kitchen incubator and urban farm development.
A Chancellor’s Award comes as no surprise to those who are familiar with her steadfast dedication.
Senior Brittany Taylor works primarily in film, but she’s also ventured into oil paints, watercolors, lithography – and now the art of curation.
The hands-on experience Ellen Vehige is getting at Ameren is just one example of the opportunities she has found through UMSL and in the St. Louis region as a whole.
A 2013 graduate of UMSL’s media studies program, he’s the co-creator and executive producer of the late-night comedy TV show STL Up Late.
The senior UMSL graphic design major recently snagged a semifinalist spot in the international Adobe Design Achievement Awards.
Hard at work developing her songwriting business since graduating from UMSL this spring, Teresa Frank started composing when she was 11 years old.
As Illinois residents, the home-schooling family didn’t expect to develop such a strong connection to the university, but it’s proven an excellent fit.
The UMSL alumnus delves deep into the region’s strange and wonderful locales and little-known histories in his latest book.
Angela Ruppel, MSW 2011, took the plunge and returned to school years later for her master’s degree. Now she uses her social work skills to help Mercy Hospital oncology patients.
BSN major Madison Bick concluded her freshman year at UMSL this spring with a 4.0 GPA and two campus awards including “Desk Assistant of the Year” and “Shining Star.”
Stacy Hollins’ dissertation explores “the digital divide” through the experiences of individuals who have little to no access to technological resources.
The adjunct English instructor was awarded a National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute Fellowship to conduct research that will further enhance her teaching.
Cameron Nunn will conduct research on black holes as part of her Distinguished Doctoral Fellowship at the University of Arkansas.
As chief creative officer for Beautiful You, the spring 2016 graduate hopes to apply lessons from UMSL coursework in gender studies and other academic areas to the world of cosmetology.
Born in Bangladesh, Nousheen “Bri” Ehsan has developed a particular passion for immigration law, which she hopes to one day practice in St. Louis.
EyePrintPRO is a contact lens designed to match the exact contours of the individual eye, making contact lenses an option for those with irregularly shaped corneas.
From student discounts to unexpected pianos to rigorous classes, Lingru Kong shares what she’s enjoyed most during her time on campus.
John Waterhouse and Kasey Woods are two of the three project managers overseeing construction of a 385-mile, high-voltage power line coming to the region.
Building on a college career marked by service, graduating senior Jessica Ploss hopes to become a federal agent and assist families affected by crime.
Before she joined the accounting faculty at UMSL, Michele Meckfessel was a commander in the U.S. Navy, which frequently deployed her for counter drug operations.
The graduating senior is a two-term president of the Student Government Association, criminology and criminal justice major, mentor and frequent user of Dr. Seuss quotes.
Amy Hunter fights for equality in St. Louis and beyond while pursuing a doctorate in social justice.
After fleeing her home country’s civil war while in high school, Alaa Kuziez landed in Missouri and faced big decisions in a totally new place.
Campus Compact has recognized Dan Mueller’s years of community service and honored him with the 2016 Newman Civic Fellows Award.
Sally Barr Ebest was recognized by the University of Missouri System for her distinguished service and exceptional contributions to achieving the university’s goals.
The April 21 event included five awards – for Entrepreneurial Spirit, Outstanding Volunteer, Rising Star, Outstanding Leader and Distinguished Career Achievement.
At first Nick Szabo didn’t see St. Louis as part of the picture for his startup endeavor, but coming home turned out to be a great move.