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UMSL educator gaining insight, culture in Botswana

UMSL educator gaining insight, culture in Botswana

As a counseling educator, Angela Coker has spent her career focusing on the issues that plague African American women in the United States. But this year, she has the opportunity to examine those same issues from the viewpoint of African women. Coker, assistant professor of counseling and family therapy at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, is in the mist of an eight-month trip to Gaborone, Botswana, to collect data for her research study titled “Counseling Across Cultures.” The study focuses on how culture impacts the practice of counseling in southern Africa. While there she is serving as a visiting scholar at the University of Botswana.

Global trade scholar to discuss US policy in Asia

Global trade scholar to discuss US policy in Asia

An international business leader who recently joined a prominent Washington, D.C., think tank as a global trade scholar will discuss U.S. policy in Asia Jan. 31 at the University of Missouri–St. Louis.

International photo, poster contest winners unveiled

International photo, poster contest winners unveiled

A photograph of women at an outdoor bread stall in Tajikistan took the top prize in the seventh annual international photo contest sponsored by International Studies and Programs at the University of Missouri­–St. Louis.

UMSL community to show off photos at exhibit

UMSL community to show off photos at exhibit

Curious about the international reach of the University of Missouri–St. Louis? A photo exhibit set to go up at Gallery Visio will give some clues. It features photographs by UMSL students and faculty traveling abroad. The submissions are part of the International Studies and Programs seventh annual international photo contest.

Irish author to read her short stories, poetry

Irish author to read her short stories, poetry

Irish author Geraldine Mills tackles dark themes in her writings, from mother-daughter jealousy to infidelity, alienation and death. She’ll read from her short stories and poetry from 12:30 to 1:45 p.m. on March 8 at 331 Social Sciences and Business Building at the University of Missouri–St. Louis.

US ambassador to Portugal to discuss European debt crisis

US ambassador to Portugal to discuss European debt crisis

The U.S. Ambassador to Portugal will make a timely visit to St. Louis to address Portugal’s role in the European debt crisis and the potential impact of a Greek default on Italy, Spain and the rest of the world.

Deconstructing Oscar Wilde’s American tour

Deconstructing Oscar Wilde’s American tour

Upon arriving for a lecture tour of the United States in 1882 Oscar Wilde reportedly told a customs official, “I have nothing to declare except my genius.” While, there is no evidence he actually uttered the aforementioned quote, it certainly fits his style.