UMSL sets record – for degrees awarded

UMSL sets record – for degrees awarded

With an all-time high of 3,199 students earning degrees from the university over the past fiscal year, the total number of UMSL alumni has now surpassed 95,000.

Eye on UMSL: Open for learning

Eye on UMSL: Open for learning

Senior John Zhou (center) reviews course content with Matt Sotheran during an organic chemistry lab in the newly completed Science Learning Building.

Eye on UMSL: Intersections

Eye on UMSL: Intersections

Much like the lines, spaces and colors recently captured here by campus photographer August Jennewein, persistence and passion come together at UMSL.

11 Tritons earn GLVC Academic Excellence Award

11 Tritons earn GLVC Academic Excellence Award

They are Hayley Alexander, Connor Carnduff, Natalia Carvalhais, Tyler Collico, Amber Daly, Chandler Duchaine, Kelly Kunkel, Lindsay Meyer, Hannah Miller, Carly Ochs and Erin Walker.

UMSL Tritons Year in Review

UMSL Tritons Year in Review

One Great Lakes Valley Conference champion, two runner-ups, five NCAA tournament team bids and much more: It all added up to a great year for the Tritons.

Eye on UMSL: Literally

Eye on UMSL: Literally

The circular window of the almost-complete Patient Care Center is shaping up to be the literal eye on UMSL’s campus.

Eye on UMSL: First steps

Eye on UMSL: First steps

Incoming Opportunity Scholars Kyra Chappell, Danielle Friz, Jalen James-Patterson, Madison Koogler and Mickkell Abrams mark their first steps into budding college careers.

Eye on UMSL: Bluegrass

Eye on UMSL: Bluegrass

Musical artists Heidi Clare and Ron Thomason return to campus June 14 for a free evening of bluegrass at the Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center.

Eye on UMSL: Towering Louie

Eye on UMSL: Towering Louie

The friendly UMSL Tritons mascot recently was spotted at the summit of the Social Sciences & Business Building Tower on North Campus.

Eye on UMSL: Finals week

Eye on UMSL: Finals week

Alysa Kaiser, Lindsey Smith and Cody Barton study for exams in a packed Thomas Jefferson Library, which is open later in the evening during finals week.