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Eye on UMSL: Grace notes

Eye on UMSL: Grace notes

Alijah Rothman, a SUCCEED student at UMSL, plays “Amazing Grace” on his recorder outside the Provincial House of the Pierre Laclede Honors College.

Eye on UMSL: Dedication

Eye on UMSL: Dedication

Senior Jessie Eikmann, features editor for The Current, interviews Mary Allen in a quiet moment after the dedication of her husband’s “Dr. Marcus Allen Advising Center.”

Eye on UMSL: Bellerive encore

Eye on UMSL: Bellerive encore

Nancy Gleason discusses her 10-year affiliation with the honors college-produced publication as guest speaker at the launch party for the latest edition.

14 UMSL photos from 2014

14 UMSL photos from 2014

When looking back over the course of a year, August Jennewein remembers moments, including 14 photos he took in 2014.