Brand New Addition to Facebook Pages: Calls to Action

For the holidays, Facebook launched a new call-to-action feature that will help Pages drive business objectives.
Facebook CTA AnnouncementPage admins can select from a group of call-to-action buttons — like Shop Now or Sign Up — to add to the top of their Page. The seven calls to action available are:

  1. Book Now
  2. Contact Us
  3. Use App
  4. Play Game
  5. Shop Now
  6. Sign Up
  7. Watch Video

This is a big for marketers because Facebook previously banned the use of CTA’s in header images. While the CTA can not be built directly into the header image, the new CTA button will help customer acquisition for businesses. Facebook says that the call-to-action feature will roll out in the US over the next few weeks and worldwide next year.
Learn more on the official Facebook blog: New for Facebook Pages: Calls to Action | Facebook for Business.