You Only Have 60 Seconds: #MDMC16 Welcomes Startup benjamin!

By: Chase Kohler
benjaminlogo2With less than a month before the Midwest Digital Marketing conference, it’s only fair to feel the nerves as an explosion of information, passion, and disruption engulfs the greater St. Louis area. Much more than a traditional marketing conference, #MDMC will also showcase the latest in local innovation. In partnership with Arch Grants, Union Station will feature 20 of the hottest startups across St. Louis. These entrepreneurs are the ones who are changing tomorrow’s future as they demonstrate and recruit between the breakout sessions.
One of those startups includes benjamin, which focuses on revolutionizing e-commerce. To put it simply, consumers are given targeted products at a steep discount. Once proposed the offer, they have only sixty seconds to buy or pass the product. This allows vendors to burn off stale inventory while offering the consumers purchase power without leaving the page! Founded in 2014 by North American entrepreneur Andrew Chapin, benjamin has quickly become one of the most watched players in ecommerce. Before receiving the Arch Grant in 2014, Chapin earned his Master’s degree in Finance from Harvard University. His background includes work with Whiteboard Youth Ventures and Feathr. When not changing the way we purchase, Chapin enjoys skiing and baseball.
Make sure to stop by all twenty start-ups at MDMC. At day’s end YOU will vote on who wins a $1000 check for additional funding!
Twitter_logo_blueFollow benjamin on Twitter: @thebenjaminapp
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