Chancellor Kristin Sobolik serves as the chair of CUMU’s Board of Directors and was among 15 members of the UMSL community in attendance at CUMU’s annual conference last week in Minneapolis.

Chancellor Kristin Sobolik serves as the chair of CUMU’s Board of Directors and was among 15 members of the UMSL community in attendance at CUMU’s annual conference last week in Minneapolis.
Chancellor Kristin Sobolik serves as the chair of CUMU’s Board of Directors and was among 15 members of the UMSL community in attendance at CUMU’s annual conference last week in Minneapolis.
Chancellor Kristin Sobolik serves as the chair of CUMU’s Board of Directors and was among 15 members of the UMSL community in attendance at CUMU’s annual conference last week in Minneapolis.
Chancellor Kristin Sobolik serves as the chair of CUMU’s Board of Directors and was among 15 members of the UMSL community in attendance at CUMU’s annual conference last week in Minneapolis.
Morris has been running one race each month to commemorate her 50th birthday, and she was one of more than 230 participants in Saturday morning’s event.
Morris has been running one race each month to commemorate her 50th birthday, and she was one of more than 230 participants in Saturday morning’s event.
Morris has been running one race each month to commemorate her 50th birthday, and she was one of more than 230 participants in Saturday morning’s event.
Three faculty members were granted tenure, two earned the rank of full professor, and 12 non-tenure track faculty members also advanced.
Three faculty members were granted tenure, two earned the rank of full professor, and 12 non-tenure track faculty members also advanced.
Three faculty members were granted tenure, two earned the rank of full professor, and 12 non-tenure track faculty members also advanced.
It is the highest rank in the University of Missouri System and recognizes faculty members for exceptional contributions to research, education and service.
It is the highest rank in the University of Missouri System and recognizes faculty members for exceptional contributions to research, education and service.
It is the highest rank in the University of Missouri System and recognizes faculty members for exceptional contributions to research, education and service.
Carole Basile has been named dean of the College of Education at the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Basile, who...
Fifth graders at Oakville Elementary School in south St. Louis County learned to play a new instrument last week...
First grade teacher Wanicha Disharoon works hard to make science a fun learning experience for her students. That...
Two educators in the College of Education at the University of Missouri–St. Louis had a vision to influence ethical...
Donald Johanson and Tom Gray had just concluded a long, hot November morning of mapping and surveying for fossils near...
Enticed by the promise of cake, hundreds of people learned a lot about community engagement at the University of...
St. Louis native Areva Martin knows firsthand the importance of advocacy and providing a voice for those who can’t...
What started with a casual conversation between marketing and a dean resulted in a rousing success for the University...
University of Missouri-St. Louis education scholar Marvin Berkowitz's career has focused on building character and...
With more than 58,000 alumni of the University of Missouri–St. Louis living and working in the St. Louis region,...
Serious education. Serious value. And now serious marketing. The University of Missouri–St. Louis has launched an...
As the Oscar races heat up, Variety asked 10 "Hollywood outsiders" – all experts in their respective fields – if the...
Events in Egypt are moving extremely fast, sometimes making it difficult to follow and understand the implications of...
Karen Cummings, coordinator of art education at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, teaches rigorous, but popular...
Robert Nordman, the E. Desmond Lee Endowed Professor of Music Education at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, has...
The University of Missouri–St. Louis has earned a 2010 Community Engagement Classification from the prestigious...
University of Missouri–St. Louis alumnus Art McCoy will continue a career of firsts as he takes on his new role as the...
Anita Watkins-Stevens is already a well-known and respected composer and choir director. Still, the self-described...
Marvin Berkowitz, the Sanford N. McDonnell Endowed Professor of Education at the University of Missouri–St. Louis,...
St. Louis-area families of children with disabilities now have a one-stop online shop to find services thanks to the...
Kent Farnsworth, a longtime educator, decided last year that changes needed to be made in the way American children are educated.
“During a trip to Helena, Ark., I stopped at a charter school, Delta College Prep, that is doing extraordinary work with some of the most economically challenged students in the country,” Farnsworth said. “As I was driving back to St. Louis, I kept thinking, why can’t any school district do the same thing, even if it isn’t a charter school – and then (I) realized it could.”
Farnsworth recently retired as the Mary Ann Lee Endowed Professor for Community College Leadership Studies in the College of Education at the University of Missouri–St. Louis. He has published a new book, “Grassroots School Reform: A Community Guide to Developing Globally Competitive Students.” It argues that significant school reform in the United States will not happen if left to national or state policy makers, but must be a community-led initiative.
The Youth Writing Festival at the University of Missouri–St. Louis was created in part to inspire a new generation's...
Kids Voting Missouri and Sandy Diamond, director of the program at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, received the...
Five doctoral programs at the University of Missouri–St. Louis received high national rankings recently from Academic...
The September issue of St. Louis Commerce Magazine was billed as “The Green Issue” – highlighting sustainability from...
Acting as head coach for the U.S. Martial Arts Team takes a lot of time – about 30 hours a week to be exact. Add on...
Matthew Davis, associate professor of educational leadership and policy studies at the University of Missouri–St....
Laying low and doing nothing are not in Charles Schmitz’s vocabulary. So when he decided to retire from his position...
As a new semester begins, the University of Missouri–St. Louis bids farewell to two longtime deans as they embark on...
Students who arrived at residence halls on the University of Missouri–St. Louis campus this week were met by an auspicious group: other UMSL students. Awaiting new and returning students at campus residences were residential advisors, sorority and fraternity members and other volunteers.
“During my time here, we’ve always welcomed volunteers for ‘Move-In Day,'” said Jackie McCauley, hall director for Oak Hall. “The groups call or e-mail Khalilah Doss, and she tells them where to turn up.” Doss is assistant director of residential life at UMSL.
Enrollment at the University of Missouri–St. Louis is expected to surpass last year’s record of 16,548, according to...
As an educator, Rebecca Rogers knows good communication is the foundation to building a brighter future. And as the...
Standing at the lectern, gazing at the bright and energetic faces of 325 graduates, Norm Eaker encouraged them to...
The University of Missouri–St. Louis will present the Beginning Teachers Assistance Program Oct. 23 in the J.C. Penney...
Janet Carrie Launius is a very busy person. A doctoral student at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, Launius also has a full-time job as the science coordinator for the Hazelwood School District and a part-time job as the education columnist for the St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Julie Kampschroeder, a 1994 graduate of the University of Missouri–St. Louis, was named Teacher of the Year for the...
The University of Missouri–St. Louis has established the Certificate in Autism Studies program. The 18-credit-hour...
The Missouri State Board of Education appointed University of Missouri–St. Louis faculty members Lynn Beckwith and Mark Tranel to a three-person “special administrative board” to lead the Riverview Gardens School District in north St. Louis County.
Cheryl Apperson, science teacher at Rockwood Summit High School in Fenton, Mo., received the 2010 Monsanto Outstanding...
GEAR UP-St. Louis will hold the “Class of 2011 College & Career Fair” from 9 a.m. to noon April 24 in the Century...
The University of Missouri–St. Louis will hold a daylong workshop on counseling youths of various sexual orientation...
The University of Missouri–St. Louis College of Education held the grand opening of the new $900,000 Math Science...
Patricia Kopetz, the E. Desmond Lee Endowed Professor in Education for Children with Disabilities in Connection with...
Creating a lifetime connection to science is one of the goals of an innovative new grant program under way at the...
Vanessa Garry has been an educator for more than 30 years. And in that time she has learned that reading is the foundation of academic achievement and can determine a student’s success. So when Garry, vice president of education for Confluence Academy in St. Louis, began her thesis project for her doctorate in education at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, she decided to look at reading.
Kevin Fernlund, associate professor of history and secondary education at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, was only four years old when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Seeing the news unfold on the black-and-white television in his family’s living room in Aurora, Colo., and the introduction of Lyndon B. Johnson as the new president were his earliest news memories.
Matthew Lemberger, assistant professor of counseling at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, has been appointed Associate Editor for the Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education, and Development.
“Freedom’s Plow,” a new choral piece by University of Missouri–St. Louis alumnus Rollo Dilworth (pictured), MEd 1994, will make its world premiere Friday in a performance at Powell Symphony Hall in St. Louis. Commissioned by the Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra, “Freedom’s Plow” will be performed in a concert that combines the Saint Louis Symphony Chorus and Saint Louis Symphony IN UNISON® Chorus.
Too much of a good thing is never good for anyone. And Cathy Vatterott, associate professor of teaching and learning at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, says that’s true of homework, too.