Media Coverage: May 2024
Media Coverage: May 2024

Stories about the university, its scholars and their expertise are often covered by local and national news media. Media Coverage highlights some of the top stories.

Media Coverage: May 2024

Stories about the university, its scholars and their expertise are often covered by local and national news media. Media Coverage highlights some of the top stories.

Media Coverage: May 2024

Stories about the university, its scholars and their expertise are often covered by local and national news media. Media Coverage highlights some of the top stories.

Alumnus writes Op-Ed on building codes

Alumnus writes Op-Ed on building codes

University of Missouri–St. Louis alumnus David Crigger, BSEd 2009 and MS biology 2013, recently wrapped an internship with the Missouri chapter of the Sierra Club where he conducted research on St. Louis-area building codes. He shared his findings in a recent Op-Ed piece published in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Good job UMSL! Month of Community Giving hits record high

Good job UMSL! Month of Community Giving hits record high

To honor their 50th Jubilee this year, employees at the University of Missouri–St. Louis gave nearly $80,000 to the United Way of Greater St. Louis and Community Health Charities of Kansas and Missouri campaigns, breaking the campus record. Both organizations provide funding to social service, health and research agencies in the St. Louis region.

Veterans’ powerful stories captured in second volume

Veterans’ powerful stories captured in second volume

“The real damage of war is never going to be known unless those who have been there share their stories,” Colin Halloran told the audience gathered Nov. 15 in the Mercantile Library at the University of Missouri–St. Louis.

Alumnus writes Op-Ed on building codes

Post-Dispatch spotlights successful alumnus CEO’s return as Business College dean

Charles Hoffman has held many roles, from Air Force officer to University of Missouri–St. Louis student to chief executive officer. Now Just two months into his new position as dean of the College of Business Administration at UMSL, Hoffman sat down with St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter Jim Gallagher to talk about the college, plans for the future and what makes UMSL stand out from others.

Students praise newly renovated physics lab

Students praise newly renovated physics lab

A newly renovated science lab at the University of Missouri–St. Louis is drawing rave reviews from students after undergoing an upgrade courtesy of a gift from St. Louis-based Peabody Energy.

Eye on UMSL: Halloween

Eye on UMSL: Halloween

Judges (from left) Iron Man (Quinten Smith, office support staff in the Cashier’s Office), Super Mario (Rhael Sala, office support staff in the Cashier’s Office), Carpet Ronin (David McGraw, a philosophy graduate student) and Skeleton (Ena Selimovic, a teaching assistant) prepare to weigh in on a pumpkin carving contest at the Millennium Student Center.

Noon series to host poetry, fiction reading

Noon series to host poetry, fiction reading

Whether you’re a fan of poetry or fiction, you’ll get the best of both worlds Monday at the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Poet Sally Van Doren, MFA 2000, and fiction writer Ron Austin, MFA 2011, will read for the upcoming installment of the Monday Noon Series.

Kick it with The U on mtvU

Kick it with The U on mtvU

That’s right. The U, the University of Missouri–St. Louis’ student radio station, will be on mtvU for the College Radio Countdown. Their episode will play their 10 music picks and mtvU videos that best represent The U’s vibe.

Gallery 210’s ‘Site’ exhibit garners good reviews

UMSL, WUSTL celebrate 20 years of engineering education

The originators and current stewards of the University of Missouri–St. Louis and Washington University Joint Undergraduate Engineering Program gathered to mark its 20-year anniversary at a reception Oct. 17 at the Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center.

UMSL marketing professor talks early retail season

UMSL marketing professor talks early retail season

‘Tis the season for early bird specials and doorbuster sales. Macy’s announced this year its stores will be open on Thanksgiving for the first time in the retailer’s s history. The move is intended to give shoppers even more of an opportunity to save.

Psychology PhD student gets published in 2 scholar journals

Psychology PhD student gets published in 2 scholar journals

Those outside the academic world aren’t always aware of the importance of publishing, but suffice to say that, for a graduate student hoping to land a tenure-track position at the university level, having articles accepted for publication is a very big deal. So imagine the excitement of Lauren Salminen, a second year doctoral student in behavioral neuroscience, when last month she had two articles accepted for publication on the same day.

UMSL student leader brings home regional award

UMSL student leader brings home regional award

Marissa Steimel hugs her latest accomplishment and flashes a smile for the photographer. Within seconds, even if you don’t know this young woman, you know it won’t be the last time we see this kind of picture.

UMSL’s Advanced Credit Program shows 25% enrollment increase

UMSL’s Advanced Credit Program shows 25% enrollment increase

With 72 schools, hundreds of teachers and thousands of students to track, you could lose sense of the big picture. But Kathleen Burns, academic director of the Advanced Credit Program at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, points to a steady 25 percent increase in enrollment over the last five years.

Student new to UMSL, takes on big role in ‘Rocky Horror’

Student new to UMSL, takes on big role in ‘Rocky Horror’

Among the University of Missouri–St. Louis students performing in “The Rocky Horror Show” at the Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center is Grayson Jostes, who came to UMSL this semester as part of SUCCEED, a post-secondary program for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

UMSL marks Jubilee with specially commissioned symphony

UMSL marks Jubilee with specially commissioned symphony

To mark its 50th anniversary the University of Missouri–St. Louis commissioned composer and UMSL music professor Barbara Harbach to write an original performance piece. Her creation will make its debut next month.

UMSL’s Month of Community Giving begins

UMSL’s Month of Community Giving begins

Give a little, help a lot. It’s the University of Missouri–St. Louis’ Month of Community Giving, an annual campus giving campaign that benefits the causes of the United Way of Greater St. Louis and the Community Health Charities of Kansas and Missouri. Combined, they are community partners to more than 250 nonprofit organizations.

Criminologist earns Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Service

Criminologist earns Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Service

Service is second nature to Richard Rosenfeld. Whether it’s leading a research study for the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, heading the board of the American Society of Criminology or lending his expertise to media outlets, he believes in giving back.

Alumnus writes Op-Ed on building codes

‘Catfish’ on campus: Documentary star Nev Schulman to speak at UMSL

In the 2010 documentary “Catfish,” Nev Schulman famously tracked down the online paramour who had duped him into a cyber relationship. The film spawned an MTV reality series and solidified the term “catfish” in the American lexicon as a person who pretends to be someone they’re not, using social media to create a false identity, particularly to pursue deceitful online romances.

2 MFA alumni to read at Gallery 210

2 MFA alumni to read at Gallery 210

Alumni Kelli Allen, BA English 2008 and MFA 2011 (with an emphasis in poetry), and Michael Nye, MFA 2006 (with an emphasis in fiction), will make their return to the University of Missouri—St. Louis campus. But this time they do so as two published authors reading for the community from which they grew.