Eye on UMSL: Cave trip

Eye on UMSL: Cave trip

Members of the Environmental Adventure Organization sit near the Capitol Dome formation during a caving trip to Illinois Caverns before the end of the spring semester.

Eye on UMSL: Cave trip

Members of the Environmental Adventure Organization sit near the Capitol Dome formation during a caving trip to Illinois Caverns before the end of the spring semester.

Eye on UMSL: Cave trip

Members of the Environmental Adventure Organization sit near the Capitol Dome formation during a caving trip to Illinois Caverns before the end of the spring semester.

Media Coverage: May 2024
Media Coverage: May 2024

Stories about the university, its scholars and their expertise are often covered by local and national news media. Media Coverage highlights some of the top stories.

Media Coverage: May 2024

Stories about the university, its scholars and their expertise are often covered by local and national news media. Media Coverage highlights some of the top stories.

Media Coverage: May 2024

Stories about the university, its scholars and their expertise are often covered by local and national news media. Media Coverage highlights some of the top stories.

Donors support UMSL improvements

Donors support UMSL improvements

Under the leadership of Chancellor Tom George (left) and Martin Leifeld, vice chancellor for University Advancement, UMSL has raised more than $18 million for scholarships, academic programs, faculty positions and facilities.

UMSL criminologist named ASC Fellow

UMSL criminologist named ASC Fellow

Janet Lauritsen is the fourth faculty member from the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice to earn the distinction.

MIMH names Felix Vincenz interim director

MIMH names Felix Vincenz interim director

Felix Vincenz, chief operating officer of St. Louis Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center, has been named interim director of the Missouri Institute of Mental Health at the University of Missouri­­–St. Louis.

UMSL honorees reflect commitment to St. Louis

UMSL honorees reflect commitment to St. Louis

Carol Valenta and Steven Schankman each followed their passion and in the process enriched the lives of hundreds of thousands of St. Louisans. For their commitment to their professions and their community the University of Missouri–St. Louis conferred honorary degrees on them during commencement ceremonies Dec. 14. Nearly 600 students received degrees during three ceremonies.

UMSL supporter played big role in creating Nobel Peace Prize-winning organization

UMSL supporter played big role in creating Nobel Peace Prize-winning organization

Though many Americans have not heard of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, the group finally got its deserved time in the limelight last weekend when it collected the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway. University of Missouri–St. Louis supporter Will Carpenter is particularly pleased for the group’s recognition, which makes sense, seeing as how he played an integral role in creating the treaty that lead to the formation of the OPCW.

Frosty beginning for Science Learning Building

Frosty beginning for Science Learning Building

There were a few remarks about the cold weather, but most of the focus Monday afternoon was on the pile of dirt in front of the science complex at the University of Missouri–St. Louis.

Student violinist performs with Metropolitan Orchestra of Saint Louis

Student violinist performs with Metropolitan Orchestra of Saint Louis

The invitation came via an email from her University of Missouri–St. Louis violin instructor Julia Sakharova. Would she be interested in playing with the Metropolitan Orchestra of Saint Louis? Always hungry for opportunity and a new experience, Octavia Sydnor, a junior music major with an emphasis in violin performance at UMSL, jumped at the chance.

Breaking into fiction big time: MFA alumnus recognized in Ploughshares

Breaking into fiction big time: MFA alumnus recognized in Ploughshares

It’s reason enough to celebrate when your fiction story is published in the summer 2013 issue of Indiana Review. But when University of Missouri–St. Louis alumnus Ryan Trattles, MFA 2013, learned that his story “Helpful Products for Family Men: A User’s Guide” was also highly praised in Ploughshares, another prestigious literary establishment, it felt a bit surreal.

Alison Zeidler works to make St. Louis’ economy stronger

Alison Zeidler works to make St. Louis’ economy stronger

Talk to Alison Zeidler about St. Louis and the 29-year-old’s love for the region is obvious. She wants to see St. Louis thrive. That makes her a natural fit for her work at the St. Louis Economic Development Partnership. Zeidler served as project manager at the partnership until October when she was named assistant vice president of New Market Tax Credits.

UMSL collaborative brings dance, music to area schools

UMSL collaborative brings dance, music to area schools

Merengue music blares out of a boom box as a group of about 40 fifth-graders at Buder Elementary School in south St. Louis walk arm-in-arm into the school gymnasium. The curriculum for the next hour – ballroom dancing.

Alison Zeidler works to make St. Louis’ economy stronger

Influential women: UMSL shows off its feminine side

St. Louis Business Journal Publisher Ellen Sherberg received a warm welcome when she approached the University of Missouri–St. Louis in the late 1990s about sponsoring an event to highlight the outstanding achievements of women.

Optometry student leads at local, national levels

Optometry student leads at local, national levels

Devin Sasser was a determined child. When most 6-year-old boys wanted to be a baseball or football player, the Dallas native was adamant that he someday enroll in law school and become a lawyer. By age 11, he’d moved past that and set his sights on a health-science field.

Students of Service carry on Holiday Fest tradition

Students of Service carry on Holiday Fest tradition

Their goal is to collect 1,000 items – food, uniforms, toiletries. The annual Holiday Fest is bringing everyone together at the University of Missouri–St. Louis to help local families in need.

Meet the UMSL Alumni Association president

Meet the UMSL Alumni Association president

The University of Missouri–St. Louis’ Alumni Association is turning a new leaf with its new president Michael J. Finkes, BS chemistry 1973 and MS chemistry 1978. Finkes, a seasoned member of the association, assumed his position July 1. He recently retired from Monsanto, where he worked for more than 30 years, and is dedicating his time and energy to the university and community that helped him build a foundation for his successful career.

Railroad aficionado remembered, honored with Lee Medal

Railroad aficionado remembered, honored with Lee Medal

The late Robert McKnight, honorary trustee and longtime member of the John W. Barriger III National Railroad Library, will live on through his outstanding contributions to the University of Missouri–St. Louis.

Garage park for rewards

Garage park for rewards

Park it in the garage Dec. 3 to be eligible for giveaways and refreshments at the University of Missouri–St. Louis....

International student-athlete thrives at UMSL

International student-athlete thrives at UMSL

Louisa Werner wakes up at 8 a.m. From 9 to 10:45 a.m. she fulfills her duties as a research assistant in the psychology lab on campus before attending her 11 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. class. Then it’s on to tennis practice from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. She changes just in time for one more night class, officially concluding her day at 9:30 p.m.

Eye on UMSL: Global discussion

Eye on UMSL: Global discussion

Russian delegates from the Open World Program visited with students and faculty from UMSL’s School of Social Work on Nov. 21. The visitors were hosted by the World Affairs Council of St. Louis and included seven delegates focusing on social service issues and an interpreter. The visitors sat down with UMSL students and faculty to learn about social service programs and agencies as well as how resources and funding are provided, particularly in issues of children and families. The Open World Program brings young political and civic leaders from Russia and nine post-Soviet states to the United States for short-term professional trips.